The New Pearson

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Just listen to this song   -->

Dippers Pov

I ran until I felt like my legs were about to fall off. I fall to the ground, huffing. I look up and try to find were I am. I don't recognize any of my surroundings. I don't know were I am, or how to get back, since I ran in so many directions.

'Crap. now I'm lost.'

I curl up into a ball and let out a sob. 'I can't believe Mabel did that to me! I told her that I was gay and not to tell or try to get me to go out with anyone! She betrayed my trust.' Then I hear some bushes rustling. Then someone jumps out of the bushes, screaming.


Selenes Pov

(listen to this now if Pity Party has finished)-->

I woke up with a pounding headache.

"Uuhhh." I rub my head. I look around. I can normally tell which Dimension I'm in by just looking around. But for this one, I can not tell. 

'Shit.' I get up and dust myself off. I take of my sweater Mabel made me. It's dark purple with a silver crescent moon with a shining gold four point star in the middle.Mabel made it just for me,so it has pockets and a hood. I shake it off and put it back on. I dust off my black ripped jeans and get the pine needles out of my combat boots. I sigh and start walking  down. Then I hear a sob. 

'What the heck?'

I hide behind a bush and peek out to see who it is. I see a boy, about 17, crying on the ground I move a bit and see that it's... DIPPER!!!!! I jump out of the bushes.


I tackle hug him. He tries to shove me off.

"G-g-get OFF of me you w-w-weirdo!!!!"

I listen to his thoughts.



'Their kinda cute.'

Then I realize my mistake. 

'Duh! This is a different AU stupid!'

I jump off of him, Blushing.

"I-I-I'm SOOOO sorry Ma- D-D-D-Dipper!! I meant to say Dipper!!!"

Dippers Pov 

'whats with this girl?!?'

She gives me a nervous smile.

"Sorry, I-I-I didn't mean to scare you."

'Who is this chick?'

"Oh my names Selene!"

"D-Did you j-j-just read my thoughts!?!?"

Her eyes widen. "SHET!!!!"

I jump to my feet. 


She looks at me with a hurt expression.

"M-M-Mason! D-Don't hurt me p-please."

All the sudden, Black and blue ears pop out of her hair and black and blue fox tails also pop out.

"What the-?"

"O-O-Opps, sorry, that happens when I get upset or mad." She chuckles to herself. "Unlike Kitsūne , Who's ears are out 24/7." She looks at me. "But you don't know her."

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