WTF Selene!?!

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Dipper's POV

I look at Selene and give her the WTF look.

"Selene! What was that about!"

She shakes her head. "I'm sorry, but I can't say."

I sigh.Then Selene walks upstairs. I was thinking about what to say to Selene, but at that moment, Mabel runs through the door. she tackles me.


I see that she's sobbing. She looks at me, tears streaming down her face.

"D-D-Dipper I-I'm so s-s-s-SORRY!!!!!"

"M-Mabel, it's ok."

"N-no it's n-n-not! I-I-I-I hurt y-y-you!"

I chuckle. 

"MABEL. I'm fine!"

After a few minutes of comforting Mabel, Selene (who I guess was in Mabel's room) comes down.

"Hey Maso-" She sees Mabel. Then she starts walking backwards up the stairs. When she goes up about 4 stairs, She trips and falls down. She sits up and rubs her head. "Ouch."

Mabel looks at me. "Dip-Dop... Who's this and what is she doing here?"

~  Time skip brought to you by my laziness (because I'm too lazy to write an explanation) ;P  ~

(Also listen to this) -->

"Soooooo you're saying she's our sister in another Dimension? And just kind of came here?"

Me and Selene nod. We didn't tell her Selene's a Cipher. Selene looks really uncomfortable.

"I'm gonna g-!"

Mabel then jumps onto Selene and hugs her.

"YAY! I've always wished Dipper was a girl so I'd have a sister!"

I give her a blank look. "What did you just say?"

Mabel looks up, smiles and shrugs, and then goes back to hugging Selene. Selene is just sitting there, mouthing 'help meeeeeeeeeee' I chuckle and After a while, Eventually gets Mabel off her. Selene then hides behind me and hugs my waist. Then her ears and tails pop out.(we also didn't tell Mabel she's a Paranormal creature either) Mabel looks at me, slack jawed. 

"Dipper...." Selene tenses up. "WHY DIDN'T YOU TELL ME OUR SISTERS A KITSUME!"

Both me and Selene give her a blank stare. Selene lets go of me and says. 

"Mabel... how do you even know what a kitsume is?!?"

She looks at Selene.

"I think you know how Selene." When  Selene gives her a blank look, she adds "I'm guessing someone in your dimension has found... My secret collection~?"

Selene's face pales and she shudders. Mabel chuckles.

"I'll take that as a yes."

I look at Mabel. "Ok, What is this 'Secret Collection' of yours, and why is it making Selene this uncomfortable?"

Mabel just gives me this creepy ass smile. "I don't  have ta say." Then she skips off, like nothing has just happened. I look at Selene.

"What is Mabel's secret collection?" I was quite scared to ask this, seeing as how it made Selene so distressed. Selene nods.

"What you think is correct. You shouldn't have asked. But I'll tell you anyways." She shudders. "Lemon fanfic, yaoi, and many many more." She shudders. "If you excuse me,I'm going out and will now try to forget this conversation has ever, EVER, happened" She walks away and I notice that all three of her tails are puffed up. 

'Is it bad that I don't know what any of those are?'     

Caesar's POV

'Why was She there?!?'

I think to myself as I walk down the path leading to town.

'She could have blown my cover!'

I sigh and walk into my house. like the TARDIS, it's bigger on the inside. I flop down onto my couch and groan. 

"Why does stuff like this always happen to ME????"

There's a puff of smoke and in comes Kitsūne. 

"Hello Kitsūne." I gesture towards a chair. "LeTs cHaT."

((HHEEEEYYYYY people! I really hope you like my book! Please comment and vote! Thankz!))

((HHEEEEYYYYY people! I really hope you like my book! Please comment and vote! Thankz!))

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