Anouther Weird dream

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Listen to this song (i dont know how to use this thing ;^;) -->

??? Pov

I'm sitting in my living room when I see a flash of silver. A coughing girl comes out of it, trying to get the smoke away from themself. Their wearing silver pants, with white shirt, black tailcoat with a silver and gold yin-yang sign, and a gold heart-shaped necklace. She has gold and silver fox tails and fox ears. She looks at me.

"H-Hello uncle."

I chuckle, causing her to flinch. "Hello Kitsūne. Is the plan ready yet?"

"Y-Yes. B-But if you s-scare him-"

"I won't. I know how you care for those stupid Flesh bags."

She gives me a look of pure hatred, but it disappears as quickly as it came. Her ears twitch and she sighs.

"Ok uncle. I have to get back and feed Yuki and Klien. Bye."

"Bye Kitsūne. Say hi to them for me~"

"Fine" She then disappears in a puff of gold and silver smoke.

"I'll see you tomorrow my little Pinetree~"

Dippers Pov

I go into my room and lay in my bed sighing. (Ps dippers room is fords old room)

'I wonder if I'll have anouther  wierd dream again' I shake my head 'probably not'

I fall asleep.

~ Time skip ~

I wake up, sweat pouring down my face.

'Welp, I proved myself wrong!'

Dippers dream

I'm sitting under the same tree as last night. And everything, except me, is colorless. But today I'm prepared. I make my book into a demon gun. I sit there, waiting for him to come here. After a few minutes, I hear a poofing sound followed by coughing. I spin around and have my gun pointed at a girl. She is wearing silver pants, white shirt, black tailcoat with a silver and gold yin-yang sign, gold heart-shaped necklace. She has fox ears and 3 Gold and silver fox tails. They twitch nervously.

"U-Um c-can you please point that somewhere else?" She pushes it away so it's not pointing at her.

"Who are you?"

She shifts uncomfortably.

"T-that's not important."

"Uh, YES IT IS!"

She covers her ears and whimpers.

"Kindly refrain from making any loud or high pitched noises. My ears are really sensitive to that. Please and thank you."

She sits cross legged, hovering an inch above the ground.

"O-ok." I know she's a dream demon, But she's much nicer than Bill.

"Thank you Pinetree. And my names Kitsūne."

"Right. You can read minds."

She nods.

"Pinetree, I'm here to tell you something."


"No need to be skeptical of me Dipper. I like to help Humanity like Selene!" She giggles.


She gives me an apologetic look.

"Sorry. You'll meet her sooner or later. Here's what I came here to tell you. Beware the thing you cannot see."

She looks me in the eyes. Her gold and silver eyes piercing into me. "Got that Dipper?"

I nod. She stands up. "Good. Now I've got to go." She starts to walk away, but then turns her head to face me. "Oh, and don't be mad at Shooting Star when you wake up."


But then Everything goes black.

~ End of Dream ~

'What did she mean by not be mad at Mabel?' I get up and look in the mirror. Mabel has put neon blue lipstick on me.

"*sigh* Really Mabel?"

I wipe it off and then go back to sleep.

??? Pov

'I Can't BELIVE Kitsūne did that!!!! To mE ThE AlL PoWeRf-'

Pinetree probaly felt my presence, and groaned and turned to face me,still sleeping.I sigh and look at Pinetree's adorable, beautiful face. I move the hair from out of his face, reveling his birthmark. 'Don't worry, my dear little sapling. Nothing will bother your slumber tonight~' 

I kiss his bithmark then leave.

(hey guys! hope you guys like the book! I decided to only add two OC's of others. I'm also gonna add my own. Please comment if you like. i'm kinda at a writers block. Thankz for reading!) 

 Thankz for reading!) 

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