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Hi. I would like to ask you guys something...

Please stop asking me to finish this book!

It's getting to the point where it's making me hate and regret writing this story! So let me say this now. I'm not going to finish this book. Wanna know why? Read the list below.

1) I first started writing this story in 8th grade. I first posted it at the beginning of 9th.

2) Both my writing ability and style have broadened and changed. I've gotten more detailed and precise in my newer works. And had I continued writing here, it would look sloppy and inconsistent.

3) All the OC's I put in or promised to put in, besides the ones that were mine or my friends, were to much for me to handle. Sorry if either one of those categories is you, I'm sorry.

4) The links I put in. When I first started writing this, I had a piece of crap computer and phone that I was writing on. That frustrates me even now.

5) The lack of details. That says it all.

6) I'm re-writing it for Christ sake! Just read the re-write! It's already written past the point I finished this story at anyways.

And mostly, the comments here. I'm tired of you all telling me just to finish it. I'm not mad at the people who asked kindly. I'm mad at the people telling me, and I quote, to "Just finish the fucking story". Really? Just because you are hiding behind a screen, it doesn't make it any less rude and bully-like.

And for any of you whose argument against this is "That I (the author) haven't updated that story in soooooo long!" Let me tell you something. I have a life as well. And I've been busy with school! And, just so you all know, both 2019 and 2020 haven't been good years for me. My Great-Grandmother and my cat, who I've had for many years, died. And I've been grieving. I've also been writing actual stories that I hope to have published. And, on top of that, I'm a 2020 graduate. So I've been worried about my future and how I'm going to attend college and celebrating my graduation. So ya. I've kinda been a bit distracted from writing this. My bad. Then there's the fact that I've also been taking care of my mother, who is very sick and has rare genetic disorders (that I also have), during a world wide fucking pandemic. So I'm sorry that I haven't been to keen on my writing schedule. So stop it with the  rude comments demanding me to finish the story. It's rude, inconsiderate, and above all else, just outright bullying. Stop. I started writing this for fun and the rude people commenting in it have just made continuing to write it a chore, and it just makes me want to stop writing it all together. I'm sorry if this seems rant-ish and crude, and I'm sorry for all of the people who have done absolutely nothing wrong. But this needed to be said. Because I'm honestly sick of seeing all of the rude comments.

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