Corypheus is Dead!

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Elana POV:

Corypheus had just fallen to the ground 'you wanted into the fade' I yelled.

Then me and my companions went on to Skyhold except for solas. solas has disappeared and we don't know where he went but all I could think about was me with Cullen. All I wanted right now was to be in his arms holding tightly together.

Cassandra"you seem distracted?inquisitor"

" I'm fine it's just what do we do now that Corypheus is dead"

' That is for you to decide' Cassandra said.

Cullen POV:

"RRrr..... I let out a irritated sign"leliana looked at me like I was hiding something from her. 'WHAT I said '

Leliana only said "we are all worried for her"

then walked away she knew about me and the inquisitors relationship we had a beautiful romance going on in-between us but all I could think about was her being out there fighting off Corypheus  and maybe dying in the process I just wanted her in my arms safe from all harm warmth in-between us. Then I heard cheering outside of my office I only knew who it could be Ellana  she's back and safe hopefully. I ran as fast as I could out there I saw her with a beautiful warm smile on her face . We both ran when she saw me then hugging so tightly together she almost broke my ribs.

Ellana POV:

I was so happy to be in his arms again we were going for a kiss Closing about to touch lips then we were separated by Josephine

Josephine"okay you can do that later in your  quarters"

after that we let go  both of us blushing Vigorously. Then everyone walked up the stairs through the court yard into the throne room for the party that Josephine planned she had more fun planning for our party than if Corypheus won I could tell.

I spoke to everyone addressed my "soldiers to have fun, drink all you want, and feast on all the food, most of all relax now that Coryphfuck is dead!"

After that I went towards my quarters to turn in for the night then Cullen  greets me and says

Cullen "I thought I would take some of your time after all"

he said that in a very Flirtatious manner it made me want to rip that armor off him and stratal him like a horse.

"What's on your mind"

Cullen "everything"

I saw a blush on his face I thought I was cute. So I  subjectively opened the door drawing him in closer the steps that led into my quarters.

 Never alone (Cullen x Ellana lavellan)Where stories live. Discover now