The day After

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Ellana POV:

I woke up with Cullen at my side I was so happy and warm up against his warm body with one of his hands on my hips and the other one tangled in my red hair I loved it but I had to get up there was so much work to do now that Corypheus is dead I have to pick a new divine. I hated the thought but that was selfish of me. It takes a lot of work to save Thedas. So I slid quietly out of the covers got dressed then kissed Cullen on the forehead he woken up at that and looked at me
Cullen "do you have to leave"

"it takes a lot of work to be a hero"

Cullen "he then groaned at me well all right "

he got up kissed me and got dress with that I walked out into Josephine's office to talk about who should be divine.

Cullen POV:

I walk up to my office to get some paperwork so I would be ready at the war room meeting.

One of the soldiers came in and said " the Inquisitor wants you in the war room to have a quick meeting "

with that I nodded at him and he walked out. I went into the war room to find Ellana with Josephine and leliana.

"Lets get this meeting started shall we" 

I looked a Ellana and smirked at her. Her cheeks turned a little red.

Ellana "well I called you all here so I tell you all who I think should be Divine and to get you're opinion one the subject as well."

leliana said " since I am running to be divine I really don't think I need to tell you my opinion" 

"I don't really have a opinion on the matter but I'm with leliana. Cassandra needs to rebuild the seekers of truth that's mine anyway"

Josephine "I believe that leliana is the best choice to make change and most of all peace for the order"

Ellana POV:

lastly I said " alright the Inquisition will support leliana as Divine"

Josephine "this is some rather big news but we have a invitation to  impress Celene's ball to celebrate the death of Corypheus"

I really wanted to wear a beautiful dress not like last time where I had to wear a uniform that didn't complement my small body shape

"am not wearing that uniform again"

I told her Josephine laughed a little at my remark "you don't have to this time. We all will get an outfit of our Choice"

Leliana "well that's a relief"

Cullen POV:

I wondered what Ellana would look like with a beautiful dress at the winter palace we all had to were uniforms so our presents was a serious army ready to do whatever the Price was to save the world. The thought of Ellana in a beautiful dress that complemented her Curves with her beautiful red hair up and curled. I shook my head at the thought

was about to say "I can-leliana spoke over me and said "what should our commander ware."

Josephine "It would be nice for the inquisitor to choose what the commander should ware."

"Would you all just leave me be"

Ellana was just looking at me admiring the thought she

Ellana "I would love to dress our commander but I think he would like it"

letting out a small laugh I admired her beautiful laugh at that I decided it would be fine to let Ellana choose what I would ware at empress Celene's ball

"Fine if the inquisitor wants to I'll make an exception for her"

Ellana said "really you'll let me get to choose what you ware"

With that her face lit up with joy at the thought I began to enjoy what she going to plan for me

"Just don't make me regret this for maker sake"

She laughed then left to go do her work.

 Never alone (Cullen x Ellana lavellan)Where stories live. Discover now