The Ball at the winter palace

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Cullen POV:

We just arrived at the winter Palace. I was eager too see what Ellana had picked out for me to wear. It was a nice suit that is green with gold embroidery. That is why Ellana was asking me if I liked the color green. The suit was tailored to my body which was nice and the suit was comfortable.
After I got dressed I went to meet everyone by the gate. Josephine was there but Ellana wasn't there yet. leliana couldn't make it she was out being the Divine.

Josephine-"well commander look who is all dressed up."

"Thank you inquisitor Ellana picked my outfit out"

Josephine-"I've noticed"'giggles'

"What are you giggling about"

Josephine-"oh nothing you'll find out..... eventually"

With that I turned around to find Ellana walking down the steps. The blood from my body rushed to my face making me blush. Ellana looked so beautiful in that green dress she was so elegant. The dress had a eleven look to it. She was wearing high heels. Ellana normally didn't wear high heels but she looked damn good in them.

Ellana POV:

I looked at Cullen he was astonished at my dress I was in high heels too I didn't really know how to walk in them since I was a elf. We didn't have heels in my clan.

"Hey cull-.."
I was just walking down the stairs and I slipped
Cause of course I don't know how to walk in heels. Just my luck.
Cullen thoughtfully caught me in his arms holding me I was a little small for my age so Cullen's arms around me felt so nice.

Cullen-"you alright there"

"Yeah I just never wore heels before being an elf and all"

Cullen-"on the plus side you look fantastic but I think you should wear flats"

"Fine I just wanted to get dressed up for once you know being out there saving Thedas. I don't really get to be a girl to dress up."

Cullen-" if only you knew how beautiful you looked every day 24/7."

Once we both realized we were still in each other's arms holding each other we both let go clearly blushing. Then a Soldier came up with some flats for me.

Soldier-"inquisitor lady montilyet told me to get these for you"

"Thank you Soldier"

The Soldier disappeared and I put my flats on. No big harm done. Then I looked at Cullen and said " are we still going to dance together."

Cullen-"ahaha yes of course but I'm not that good "

"I think you're perfect ."

Cullen-"oh yeah I noticed that we both match is this your doing"

"I did choose what we both were going to wear"

Cullen-"I like it"

Josephine-" now that you love birds are done can we go into the Ballroom "

"Oh yes of course sorry Josephine"

Josephine-"awe I couldn't help but see you to together holding each other. You both are to cute"

My companions and I walked in the ballroom with pride like we just saved the world and we did. Corypheus has been dead for a month and now hopefully I can live my life the way I want to.
In the ballroom where most of the dancing took place then I was greeted by a human Boy of nobility.

The boy-"Ellana of clan Lavellan may I ask for a dance"

I couldn't say no that would make the inquisition look bad so I said "that would be very kind of you but may I ask for your name sir"

The boy-"oh getting Head of myself aren't I my name is Edwin Reynolds nobility of orlais it's nice to make your acquaintance hopefully something more~"

I could tell he was flirting with me but I didn't take much interest into his flirting. I could even feel Cullen getting jealous.

"It's nice to meet you Edwin Reynolds I'm pretty sure you know who I am."

Edwin-"please just call me Edwin now shall we dance my lady."

As I agreed to Edwin's dance offer he took my hand and spun me around into his arms which weren't as strong as Cullen's so he had some trouble holding me cause of me and training every night and day I had a lot of muscle. Edwin pulled out a rose from his pocket like he planned to dance with me. He gave me the rose.
Edwin leaned down and whispered in my ear "you look very lovely Ellana~"

I could feel Edwin's hand move down my waist
Gripping tightly and pulling me closer. I began to feel not right like I was betraying someone . I didn't like it soon the song would be over and I would be in Cullen's arms.

Finally the song was over and the attempt in Edwin's flirting didn't get him anywhere with me after the dance we exchanged some words then left. I went straight to Cullen he was on the ledge of the railing looking down on Edwin with a cold glare. Edwin only smirked at him and walked away. Cullen grabbed the side of my hip and pulled me closer to him to show that we were together at Edwin. I thought it was cute seeing him jealous.

Cullen-"I would like you to not except any invitations for dances unless it's me"

"Jealous now are we~"

Cullen-"I seen the way he looked at you and put his filthy hands on your hips "

"You can put you hands where ever you want on me once we get back at skyhold in my quarters~"

Cullen-"that is a nice thought"

Cullen gave me a motion to follow him out on the balcony where we first danced at the Winter Palace. We were hand in hand

Cullen-"I must ask you may I have this dance"

"Just like the last time you asked me to dance with you"

Cullen-"so is that a yes?"

"Yes it is."

We both danced hand in hand but then it turned into holding One another swaying in the moonlight.

"I love you Cullen."

Cullen-"I love you too Ellana."

There will be more parts and it will get more heated throughout the story so stay tuned

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