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Cullen's POV:
I woke up to Ellana's arms around my body asleep she looks so peaceful I didn't want to wake her up after that night we had so I got up and started getting dressed also making tea in the process

I had some hot green tea out for her when Ellana woke up then I left to the war room
At the war room zevran was there looking over some plans I didn't expect him to be there

Zevran:- "well good morning Cullen I can tell you had a great night~ "

Cullen: "how do never mind that I have a headache from drinking that's all"

Zevran: " ok if you say so but I have some news that is quite important if I do say so myself"

Cullen " what sort of news "

Zevran: " its for the inquisitor is she on her way here"

Cullen: "she's still asleep "

Zevran:" ohhhh.. so you did do something last night "

Cullen: " stop that.. we drank so it's best for here to get some sleep that's all"

Ellana POV
I woke up with a splitting headache from drinking so much last night but Cullen wasn't in my bed with me but instead on the bed stand was some tea with a note that said " I went to the war room for a meeting here is some tea for your hangover" love Cullen Rutherford a small smile came across my face then I got up to get dressed but I felt a swelling sickness in my stomach making me run over to the. Balcony puking almost making me dry heave how was I sick was it because I was drinking last night?
At the war room still Ellana POV

Finally at the war room doors Josephine was there to greet me

Josephine: "good morning inquisitor "

Ellana: " morning Josephine what's new"

Josephine: " The inquisition has some matters when need to attend too"

Ellana:" alright lets get this over with"
As I opened the doors zevran and Cullen was standing there but zevran was looking over some papers

Ellana:" so what are we dealing with today "

Zevran:" I'll start I've been writing letters to your former spymaster leliana she has information on solas and she wants us to go to the peace talks at the winter palace again and she'll give us more information"

Ellana:" ugh I hate politics I guess it's time for us to finally finish this "

Zevran:" there will be ambassadors from orlais and  ferelden there but orlais intentions are to use the inquisitions power. And fereldens is to disband the inquisition."

Ellana:" thank you zevran we all will leave at once
The inquisition was on its way to the palace where Divine Victoria or leliana Waited for us I was on of the few on horseback riding at a slow pace next to my companions also on horseback iron bull in front for any attempt to attack iron bull would be there I felt sick again I could feel my face getting green already so I jumped off my horse going behind a tree puking

Iron bull:" are you alright boss"

Ellana :-" I think bbbrrrrrr..! After sitting down next to a different tree  I think I drank too much :(

Sera looked at iron bull and iron bull looking back at her then looked at me
Then both said " you sure!"
Ellana:" what why are you two looking at me like that"?
Cassandra finally got fed up and walked to my side getting my hair out of my face saying
" you should watch your liquor more"

Ellana:" you don't have to tell me twice "

Cassandra:" let's get moving we have to make camp at the next check point"

 Never alone (Cullen x Ellana lavellan)Where stories live. Discover now