Emprise Du Lion

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Cullen POV:

Ellana left for Emprise Du lion a week ago she should be there by now fighting that rift or the dragons. Maker I wish I was with her. I can't get the elven saying she said to me Ar Lath Ma Vhenan I can't speak elven why is she doing this. Solas would know but he's gone to maker knows where and Morgan is out somewhere maybe sera no she doesn't like elf things or Dorian but he's off with Ellana great. She had to of planned this. trying to figure out what Ellana said was a lost cause so Instead I went to the war room to discuss with Josephine about how things are going. We also need a new spy master as well so I'll have to talk to Josephine about that. Once I walked in I found
Josephine there already.

"Good morning ambassador"

Josephine-"morning commander any news"

"Nothing at the moment but has leliana given us a replacement for a spy master"

Josephine-"actually she has and I am rather surprised who she picked"

"And who might this be"

Josephine-"it is best that-"

zevran-"zevran arainai at your Service"

Josephine-"yes I believe you already meant zevran in ferelden during the blight."

"Yes you were with the hero of ferelden"

Zevran-"yes that is correct and now we are working together you look nice. You cleaned up well."

"Well I was in a bad state in ferelden especially during the blight."

Zevran-"of course and I hear you have a lady now "

"How do you know that"

Zevran-"I have a spy network remember"

Josephine-" sorry to disrupt but we have work to do . It also seems the inquisitor left with a bad back I think it might be her bed"

Zevran-"to soft for her then"

"Her bed is ridiculously firm I-"

Zevran-" firm huh?"

"Wait no I...uuu"

Josephine-"that answered my question why she left with a bad back"

Josephine let out a small giggle and zevran too but he laughed. This is going to be long and boring without Ellana around.

Ellana POV:

We have just arrived to Emprise Du lion Dorian and iron have been flirting with each other on the way to Emprise Cassandra didn't like cold though. So we went to one of our camps set Up at Emprise to rest. my back on the other hand was causing me a little discomfort. Me and Cullen had a really nice night but my back is killing me. after some rest I'll be fine though. I also make sure to put on Cullen's shirt that I took from skyhold. The shirt smells so nice just like Cullen. The feeling is like Cullen is still here with me. Once I went out of my tent iron bull was sitting by the fire he was on watch for the night.

Iron bull-"mmmm so boss is that shirt Cullen's"


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