Get off the Desk

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Ellana POV
After the walk with Cullen I had to go pass judgement on that boy jean touisant in the throne room I waited for some soldiers to bring him to me he looked scared I kind of felt some pity for him

Ellana-" what should I do with you jean touisant you are a noble aren't you being noble won't help you here remember that "

Jean touisant spoke in a frail tone -" I... am so very very very sorry for my intrusion on your bathing in the hot springs but to my defense it was a sight to be seen~"

I felt heat going to my cheeks no No NO! I am no going to give him the Satisfactory of making me blush no maybe I'll just make him stable boy for the week but my anger still lingered
Ellana-"Palasan'mamae' !(mother fucker) you listen here boy I will not have this you are just a kid so you will be stable boy for as long as I say clear!! "

Jean Touisant-" Crystal" he said with a distasteful look

Cullen POV

After the walk me and Ellana had we needed to get to work. We needed to rearrange our clothes because we got a little to carried away . I had to file some reports of people wanting the inquisition's help for bandits and other small things but first I need to introduce zevran to Ellana. I had someone ask her to come to my office . Me and zevran were waiting for Ellana to arrive . While zevran went through my bookshelf.

Zevran-" honestly why do you have such boring taste in books"

Cullen-" my books are very exciting "

I heard a knock at the door I went to see if it was Ellana as I opened the door I said
" Ellana I need to introduced you to our new spy master-"

zevran-" zevran arainai at your Service to satisfy all your needs~" as zevran Took Ellana's hand and kissed it

Zevran had interrupted me and introduced himself

Ellana-"ah welcome to the inquisition zevran "

I was a little jealous of zevran but I had to be professional so I ignored it and I know Ellana will be all mine tonight.

Ellana POV

zevran is quite the flirt . leliana had told me that he was a flirt but I wasn't expecting him to be that much of a flirt

Ellana-" well zevran I look forward to working with you"

Zevran-" as do I and I must say as according to all the stories I heard one described how you were very beautiful but I was was not expecting you to be over my expectations~"

Ellana-" oh well I never really had time to take care of my hair with all the running around to all the far corners of Thedas."

Zevran-" you still shine like the sun but can also burn "

Cullen-" yes well all know now let's get back to what we are here for"

Ellana POV

Ellana-"ahh yes zevran I need you to expose a double agent within our ranks that killed two of our best operatives"

Zevran-" that can be arranged"

Zevran walked out the door leaving me and Cullen alone I walked over to the bookshelf to see what kind of books Cullen reads

Ellana-" Cullen why are most of your books dictionaries and history books"

Cullen-" most of them are war strategy books"

Once Cullen was done with that sentence Cole appeared on the desk. Cole startled Cullen I thought it was funny. 

Ellana - " get off of Cullen's desk"

Cole-" oh that's where you belong "

Cullen-(coughs vigorously)!

I could feel blood rushing into my cheeks I was blushing

Ellana- " Cole  what ,why are you here!"

Cole-" well it's news about the chantry wants the inquisition to speak about what the inquisition does next."

Ellana-" I my answer is no."

Cole-" ok I'll leave now."

After that Cullen picked me up and climbed up the ladder to his room he had a smirk on his face then laid me on the bed after that I went for Cullen's clothes that where still on his body he was panting

Ellana-" Cullen don't you have reports to fill out

Cullen-" will the inquisition fall if i don't fill them out."

Ellana-" mm... no ."

I finally got his armor off but he still had pants on I then gone for the Belt and Cullen went for my shoes next for the rest of my clothes. Sliding them off ever so slowly. Cullen had a erection already now we were wearing nothing. We became closer hugging while kissing.

Cullen-"Ellana I what to feel you from the inside" he said breathlessly

After Cullen said that I felt him trust inside of me making me shudder with pleasure also let out a loud moan . Finally we climaxed together then we cuddled the rest of the afternoon.

 Never alone (Cullen x Ellana lavellan)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora