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Cullen POV

Once we made it to the palace where divine Victoria or leliana waited for us I had been worried about Ellana the whole way here I heard she was sick probably because of the drinking that fateful night after we got drunk we were intertwined with each other only wanting more of each other's toxic taste.

I pulled myself back to reality when I realized I was staring at Ellana
Cullen-" why do we have to go to something as ridiculous as this the last time I was at the winter palace I was flocked by people wanting to marry me

Josephine-" there are so many marriage proposals I don't know what to do with them"

I let out a small rrrrr.. at the thought of not marrying Ellana

Ellana whispers in my ear saying " don't worry I won't let anyone else take you away from me"

I start to feel my blood rush to a place where I do not want to say
Ellana POV
Once we arrived I headed to the tavern to talk to cole to see how he is doing and how being a human is turning out I see Cole by a small table talking to a orlesian noble by looks of it I was able to make out some of coles words saying " "there are beautiful gem stones that matches your eyecolor in the marketplace" the orlesian says in return " oh I uuu have to go there is something I must tend to"
After that conversation Cole comes over to greet me
Cole" I only needed the table birds like bread crumbs "

Ellana-" for bread crumbs?"

Cole then turns the maryden
Maryden -" oh Cole I didn't see you there "

Cole-" but I saw you as lovely as your songs"he said In Her ear

Ellana-" awe I'm very pleased for both of you"

Maryden-" there is sadness everywhere but the kindness in Cole is rare indeed "

Cole-"her songs bring happiness to those here and I can make her happy as well:)"

Ellana-"We then carry on by all means "

Cole-" wait I wanted to talk to you about something I've been hearing in your stomach"
After I heard what Cole had said something  just doesn't feel right I began feeling frail and unable to stand and fell in to Coles arms

Cole-" I think I was too late "
After that things went black for a while
I wake up in my bed with Cole sitting next to me I rolled on my other side but my body hurts and made me grown Cole stood up and went to my side
Cole-" your alright you just fainted and I want to help "

Ellana-"with what?"

Cole-" A new bright soul forms inside your stomach"
Ellana-"So you're saying I'm pregnant!"
Cole-" shhhh! I haven't told anyone else I thought you would get mad if I did "
Ellana-"thanks for that but I drank alcohol isn't that bad "
Cole -"they weren't there yet"
Ellana-" they.....mmm... so you can't guess the gender yet"
Cole "no they haven't decided yet "

After me and Cole chatted for a while we finally stopped and went back so no one got worried about us I also need to tell Cullen about my child but I should wait until I disband the inquisition because we don't need it anymore; I have to check out the lead on solas from divine Victoria or leliana. I still don't know what to call leliana now since she became divine.

 Never alone (Cullen x Ellana lavellan)Where stories live. Discover now