Hell Breaks Loose

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Serena's POV

I quickly raced home as fast as I could. There was no way that I was going to stay any longer at Arkham without getting killed. Once I got inside Uncle Jim's apartment I sighed in relief. At least now I was safe. I sat on the couch and pulled out my phone. I quickly dialed Bruce's number.

"Hello Serena." Bruce greeted.

"Bruce! You won't believe where I have been." I said.

"Where?" He asked.

"Arkham." I replied.

"Arkham?! Why were you in Arkham?!" He yelled.

"Because I went to see Barbara! But there was something else I saw." I said.

"What else?" He asked.

"Someone carrying a gun was entering Arkham. I got away before she could kill me. But she was heading toward the room Barbara and Jerome were in." I explained.

Bruce was silent for a moment.

"I'm glad you're safe Serena. Do you know who the woman was?" He asked.

"No clue. She was tall and wore all black and had black hair." I described.

"Hmm... weird. Be careful Serena. Who knows what is happening." He said.

"I want to figure out what's going on." I stated.

"I'm curious too. Come over tomorrow, and maybe we can dig in deeper into this." He suggested.

"Okay!" I chirped.

"Great, I'll see you tomorrow then!" He said.

"Sweet!" I said. 

We hanged up and then I turned on the TV when Uncle Jim and Lee get home.

"Hi, Uncle. Hey Lee." I said, glancing at them.

Jim had a worried look on his face. So did Lee.

"What's wrong?" I asked, worried they found out about me going to Arkham.

"6 inmates escaped Arkham... and Barbara was apart of the 6." He said quietly.

I gasped.

"Oh my god." I said. 

That's why the woman was there. To break out Barbara and the other people. Oh no...

Gotham: Contagious Laughter (Book 2)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum