An Unsettling Feeling

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The night of the gala was meant to relax Serena's nerves, not ignite them to new heights. Yet here she was, sitting in front of the bathroom mirror, studying her every feature. She took a deep breath as she gently glided her eyeshadow brush over her eyelid, silver shimmers covering it. Once finished with her eye makeup and eyeliner, Serena reached for the box of earrings Lee had bought her. 

They were almost like feathers, delicate and silver, green tracing the outer rims. It was something she could see her mother wearing, back when everything was alright. She remembered sitting for hours in front of her mother, watching her apply her makeup with such elegance and pristine. Serena aspired to be how her mother was, but deep down she didn't believe she could ever reach it. Not with everything that had happened. She only wished that she could talk to her parents and hug her mother one more time. Life was cruel like that, ripping second chances out the of hands of the innocent. Before Serena could dwell more on her twisted life, a quiet knock followed by a creak of the door came. Serena stiffened but relaxed once she heard the voice. 

"Serena? Oh sweetheart, you look incredible," Lee exclaimed dressed in her own formal attire. 

Serena smiled softly at hearing the compliment before standing up to twirl in the jade colored dress. "Thank you Lee,"

"Oh if only your uncle was here to see you.." 

Serena's uncle Jim had been out at the office all day. Frankly, Serena thought he was driving himself mad with all the work, but she figured she wasn't one to speak on the topic of madness when her own morals were becoming out of wack. 

"Yeah, but we can take plenty of photos to show him, can't we?" Serena asked.

Lee nodded with a smile as she held out her hand.

"Of course we can, now are you ready to go?" 

Serena nodded, taking Lee's hand in the process. The two walked hand in hand down to the older woman's car, and Serena's nerves eased slightly as she sunk into the leather seat. This was a night she wasn't going to ruin due to fear or anxiety. She was going to have fun and live, like her parents did before they passed away. She was going to be happy, or at least attempt to be. For Lee's sake. 

As the car pulled into the gala parking lot, Serena took a minute to admire those who were walking in. Women were adored with gems all over, their hair done up with priceless accessories. Serena envied them for a brief moment, but then remembered what city they were in. No one get's rich in this city without a price. That or cheating their way in. Serena sighed at the fact before getting out of the car, giving a smile to Lee.

"Is my assistant hostess ready for the big night?" Lee teased.

Serena laughed at the comment. "Of course!"

The two burst into laughter before heading towards the entrance.  As they walked, Serena's gaze drifted away from all of the chaos at the front, settling towards the side of the building. Something felt off. She took a moment to study the area and her eyes widened in horror as she saw what had given off the unsettling feeling.

Jerome's car.

Taking a deep breath, Serena forced herself into silence. What if Barbara was there? Could she betray her like that? Serena groaned quietly as she entered the gala.

Only one way to find out. 

Gotham: Contagious Laughter (Book 2)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz