The Gala

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A warm gust of air greeted Serena's cheek as she pushed open the doors to the gala. It was hard to move around at first, Serena had to practically cling to Lee in order to push passed the crowd that stood near the entrance. It appeared that they were waiting for someone in particular, but the girl couldn't figure out who. Letting go of Lee's arm once they reached the middle of the ballroom, Serena took a moment to examine her surroundings.

The gala itself was incredibly decorated, and Serena could tell a lot of time and effort went into crafting such an event. A diamond chandelier twirled carelessly above their heads, looking as if it was dancing. Serena's jade tinted dress reflected off of the diamonds in a glimmering way as she walked deeper into the crowd of wealth. She felt out of place due to being of a lower social class, but promised herself to remain content for Lee's sake. 

"We'll start the gala soon, but first I'm going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?" Lee asked, raising a brow at the girl.

Serena forced a smile as she turned her attention back to the older woman.

"I'm fine, thank you though," she insisted. 

Lee nodded and turned to walk off towards the extravagant drink table. Many employees strutted over quickly to refill their trays with champagne glasses, but quickly parted their ways to let Lee through. Serena laughed quietly at the sight before boredly twirling around in her dress. Perhaps she could use this time to figure out why in the world Jerome's van was parked in the back. If she could just...

Then she saw him.

Serena took a deep breath as her gaze forced her to look towards the entrance once more. Standing there was none other than Bruce Wayne. He was dressed to impress of course, a black suit clothed him as he stood next to his butler Alfred proudly. Bruce's eyes wandered over the sea of people until they met the same eyes who were staring up at him. 

Serena smiled softly and waved.

Not even a moment passed before Bruce was standing before her, having darted down the staircase so quick. 

"I didn't expect you to be here," he stated, smiling at the girl.

Serena chuckled.

"I don't know why I'm surprised to see you here." she replied simply. 

Bruce's eyes lit up slightly in humor at the response before holding out his hand gracefully to the girl. Serena's expression twisted to one of confusion as a blush danced upon her face. 

"Is rich boy asking me to dance?" Serena teased anxiously.

Bruce shrugged, taking her hand in his before pulling her close. 

"I guess you'll have to find out, hm?" he replied, a smiling bubbling on his lips.

Before Serena even had a chance to respond, a throat was cleared behind her. Letting out a small flustered yelp, she turned around quickly to see Lee smirking down at her. 

"Ready to begin the gala? Or am I interrupting something?" she questioned, holding back a laugh.

Turning red in embarrassment, Serena huffed and quickly hurried to Lee's side. Before she could fully let go however, Bruce gently squeezed her hand.

"Promise me a dance later?" he asked. 

"I promise..." Serena responded with a smile. 

With that Lee led Serena off, gently nudging her in the shoulder as they walked backstage. 

"Someone has a boyfriend...." Lee hummed smugly. 

Serena pouted as they walked past a couple magicians that were preparing for their act. 

"I do not! We're just friends," Serena protested nudging Lee back. 

"Mhm, sure sweetheart. Now come on, we have a gala to put on." Lee replied, holding out her hand.

Smiling softly, Serena took her hand contently and looked out passed the curtain. 

"Ready when you are..." 

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