A Shopping Break

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Serena's POV

The gala came up quicker than I expected. One minute I'm sitting peacefully on the living room sofa, watching the headlines flood the screen about the newest attacks in Gotham City, and the next, I'm out shopping for a dress with none other than Lee herself. I didn't exactly mind her though, given the current status of the weeks, it was nice to catch a break from the chaos, and just go shopping like a mother and daughter might do. It brought a sad wave of memories along with it however, I remembered how it was shopping with my actually mother, and even with Barbara...

God, Barbara.

She hadn't contacted me since that day, but something was going to happen, I could feel it. Part of me just wanted to run away from Gotham, get away from her insanity and the rest of the craziness of Gotham, but I stuck to the city like glue, for reasons I don't know why. Perhaps it was because Barbara welcomed me into the city with open arms, like a mother would. A mother, who now remained insane, and took part in plenty of murders.

I shivered slightly at the memory as I walked out of the dressing room. I decided on a shimmery jade colored dress, keeping it strapless while it fell just above my knees. Lee's expression brightened at the sight as I spun around.

"What do you think Lee?" I asked, giving a small smile.

Lee gained an excited expression as she quickly hurried over to pull me into a tight hug.

"Oh Serena, you look beautiful! Wait till everyone sees you!" Lee chirped, happily hugging me tightly.

I laughed quietly at her reaction as I hugged her back.

"Thanks Lee!" I replied, glancing up at her with a small smile.

It was nice, the fantasy of where nothing was wrong, and I could just shop freely with Lee, but in the back of my mind, I knew it wasn't true. Something was going to happen, I could feel it in my bones.

"Is everything alright dear?" Lee asked, giving me a confused look.

Snapping out of my everlasting worry, I forced a smile.

"Yep..." I responded quickly moving to change back into my typical clothes, holding the dress in my arms. 

Lee raised a brow at me, but didn't question anything as we walked to the register. I thanked Lee once she paid for the dress, and we walked to her car.

"You don't have to thank me for anything Serena, I'm delighted that you're going to host with me." Lee explained, smiling at me.

I smiled back softly at her as I held the bag containing my dress.

"I'm glad I am too..." 

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