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Serena's POV

I noticed on the drive that we were heading toward GCPD rather than to Lee's house.

"Isn't this the way GCPD?" I asked, giving Lee a confused look.

She nodded.

"I forgot the results from a study I was doing so I have to run back and get them. It will only take a second though." Lee explained, pulling the car into park.

"Okay." I replied, looking down at my phone.

I didn't have any texts but I was just scrolling through the news. The maniacs had already made headline news. They made quite a first impression though.

Lee got out the car and headed inside the building. That's when I noticed out of the corner of my eye a familiar blonde with a large man getting out of a black van. It looked fairly similar to vans I had saw when I ran into Jerome. I gasped when Barbara turned toward the man, and appeared to be telling him what to do. What was she doing here? I got out of Lee's car and slowly began to walk toward her.

"Barbara?" I asked, confused.

Barbara whirled around and grinned at me. It was a new grin, not like how she used to smile when I first met her. This smile was more... menacing. 

"Serena!" Barbara exclaimed and pulled me into a tight hug.

"What are you doing here?" She asked, raising a brow.

"I'm waiting for Lee to grab something from her lab." I mumbled, staring at the ground.

Even though I wasn't looking at her, I could feel her expression darken.

Before she could say something I quickly looked up and asked

"What are you doing here? I saw Jerome's van." I said, crossing my arms.

Barbara smirked at me and chuckled.

"I heard about your little incident with Jerome from Tabby. Quite a stunt you pulled off Serena, I'm proud." She said, grinning.

I shrugged, sort of embarrassed.

"He wanted me to shove a person off a building Barbara." I stated.

Barbara smile grew more twisted.

"I heard you almost did it." She stated.

I quickly shook my head.

"I would never murder someone Barbara!" I protested.

Barbara shrugged, and reached out to fix my hair.

"You don't know that." She said.

"You never answered my question." I said, looking up at her.

She grinned.

"You'll just have to wait and see. Could you be a sweetheart and wait by that car? I wouldn't want you to ruin the surprise." She said, pointing back to Lee's car.

I gave her a confused look.

"What surprise?" I asked.

She smirked at me.

"The one for your Uncle of course." She sneered.



Oh my gosh I am so sorry for not updating in forever! I've been busy moving but I'm back now! I hope you guys are enjoying the story!


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