Chapter Four: Angel

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Angel couldn't stop thinking about the young man she had connected with on stage. It would be so easy to play against him. They had developed a rhythm immediately and the words seemed to flow like silk over a naked body. Passion and playfulness careened together as they brought the script to life. She was convinced they were the perfect actors for their roles.

She opened her car and slid in behind the wheel. "Hey, Mom," she said when she had connected to her phone. "I think I did really well at the audition today. They've asked me to come back tomorrow. I think there's hope for this one."

Angel's mom worried incessantly about her. Given her history of depression, her mom questioned the efficacy of being in such a high stress situation. But, this was her life, her decision, and all her mom could do was support her and give her encouragement—and pray.

Angel wove her way through the maze of New York City traffic and finally arrived at her apartment. George, her doorman, greeted her, his big smile shining brightly in his dark face.

"Good afternoon, Miss Angela," he said, his smile reaching her ears. "How is your day going?"

"Oh, it's pretty good, George," she answered. "I just came back from another audition and I think it went well. They want me back tomorrow."

"Well that's just fine, Miss Angela," George replied. "I wish you good luck. You have a great rest of your day, now."

"You too, George," Angel answered, thanking God that she lived in such a wonderful building.

She turned her key in the lock and noticed her answering machine blinking. She played the message back only to discover that she was wanted to read for another part. "Boy, when it rains, it pours," she thought, grateful that she was again being noticed. But, she had her heart set on The Book Lovers; perhaps it had to do with the scruffy guy whom she connected with during the audition. He fit the part so perfectly and she couldn't deny that they had chemistry together. Her thoughts turned to the possibility that there might be some personal chemistry as well, but her life was much too complicated to add another person to it. Her depression was under control for now, but she never knew when it would rear its ugly head.

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