Chapter Twenty-Two: The Journal

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Dear Journal,

I've really gotten into this acting thing and I may give up teaching and give it a shot. I auditioned for an off-Broadway role- a light romantic comedy and I met this really dreamy guy who is auditioning for the leading male role. I think it went really well and they've called me back for another audition. I hope he's called back too because I'd love for us both to get these roles. It seemed so natural reading opposite him—I think we really connected.

I've had a few small downturns lately—struggling a bit to get out of bed in the morning but I've managed to control it. Sometimes I get so angry that I can't just have a normal life without all these emotional swings. Why me? But, I know that I have to have faith that I'll keep coming out of the downturns and be able to trudge along. When I'm feeling good I almost forget the bad times—almost.

Anyway, I'm placing a lot of hopes on this role and we'll see what decision I make regarding my "real job." Maybe it's too soon to switch gears, but the theatre has truly been my escape and I crave being up on that stage being someone else.

Wish me luck,


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