Chapter Eleven: The Journal

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Dear Journal,

I finally had the nerve to tell mom how I've been feeling and she agreed to take me to the doctor. He said that I seemed to be suffering from anxiety and gave me some medication to help calm me down. I hope that it works because I just want to be normal again.

Yesterday, I told my best friend, Kara, about how I had been feeling. I swore her to secrecy. I even told her about the medication I was taking to help me. She thought I was just shy and nervous about everything and I would be fine. That's what mom and dad keep saying—"Oh, she's just a nervous Nellie," but that doesn't explain why I wake up with a knot in my stomach every morning. School's great, my friends are great and I shouldn't have anything to be nervous about. I think the doctor is wrong. I think there's something else wrong with me. Oh, God, I hope I don't have a brain tumor or something. Please just let this all go away. Maybe I'll wake up tomorrow and it will all have been a bad dream.

Kara told me that Tommy has a crush on me. Wow, he sure is cute. I'll just think about him and maybe I'll feel better. And I'll take that stupid medicine. I'll try anything.

Good Night,


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