Chapter Twenty-Four: The Note

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Rory entered the darkened apartment, the gloom mirroring his soul. It had been so long since there had been light inside and out. He was on his way to the bedroom when he noticed the note on the hall table where he had thrown his keys. Panic seized him as he rushed to the bedroom. Angel was not there. He checked the bathroom and saw no sign of her but all her medication was gone. He ran out to read the note.

Dear Rory,

I can't go on like this anymore. I can't function on stage nor as your partner in life. I've hit the wall and can't continue. I've gone away. Please do not come looking for me. You don't need to be weighed down with my burdens any longer. This is the end for us. Please understand that I love you with all my heart and will always be grateful for your being by my side when I needed you. But, it is no longer enough. This is bigger than either of us and the both of us together.

And Rory – Break A Leg.


Your Angel

With tears in his eyes and devastation in his heart, Rory sat on the bed, the bed that saw their love, their passion and Angel's torment. He feared for her, hanging on to the slim words "Please do not come looking for me." Please, dear God, let her be going someplace that can ease her anxiety and bring her comfort and peace.

He pulled the covers over himself and fell into the miasma swirling around him. He couldn't imagine life without his partner, his love, his hope, his dream. But he knew his suffering couldn't begin to compare to what her life must have been like. He could see it on the surface, but he could never get into her soul.

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