Chapter Twenty-Five: The Journal

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Dear Journal,

I can't go on like this anymore. I'm no use to myself or anyone else. I had high hopes for some semblance of a normal life, but I am not destined for one. I've had a good run—with the theatre, with Rory—but my journey is over. I know what I need to do. I've let down myself and everyone around me; I'm a complete failure at life.

I think I knew all along that I wouldn't make it out of this place. I will leave now. Rory will mourn for me when I'm gone but he is a survivor and he will go on without me. Eventually he will be a better person and I hope that, somehow, I was a good part of his life for a while. He gave me such strength but it is not enough anymore. I just hope he knows that I loved him with all my heart.




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