Chapter Five: The Journal

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Dear Journal,

It's my 16th birthday and I should be happy but I'm surprisingly not. I don't know what it is I feel. Kind of down and a little off. Now THAT would sound really intelligent to somebody. I don't know what's wrong with me. I felt this way last week, too, and I don't like it. I don't feel much like doing anything and everyone's waiting downstairs to have my party. How can I go down feeling like this? I guess I could pretend—I'm pretty good at that—but I'm afraid somebody would see right through it. I'll just pretend I'm a character in a play who's having a wonderful Sweet Sixteen celebration and that should get me through it.

What's wrong with me? I'm not sad or angry about anything. I have a great life. Mom and Dad treat me like a queen and I have lots of friends at school. In fact, most of them are downstairs right now. I've been reading a little about this depression thing but that usually happens when everything in your life is going downhill. I have no real problems. So, it can't be that. Maybe I'm just getting sick or something. I'll see if I feel any better tomorrow. In the meantime, I'll go down and pretend like I'm excited to be 16. Talk to you later.


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