Chapter Nine: The Journal

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Dear Journal,

Yesterday was awful, but today I'm feeling a little bit better. I'm playing mind games with myself and I think it's helping. Whenever I feel that— whatever it is—coming on, I try to turn it into a play and I'm the lead character. If I can get lost in my other world, I can keep my head above water. But, some days it isn't that simple.

I wish I could understand my feelings. I'm not really sad; I just hurt inside. That cute boy in my class did ask me out but I'm afraid to go. What if I'm a real poop when we're together and he just ditches me? I never know when I'm going into that awful place and it seems to be happening more frequently now. I'm really scared. Maybe I need to see a shrink, but I don't think mom will buy into that. She'll just tell me I'm being overly dramatic. You see, everyone thinks I'm a drama queen anyway.

I really need for tomorrow to be better. I just want to feel normal again. Help me, God.


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