Chapter Twenty: The Journal

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Well, I made it to graduation in one piece. That time I thought I was having a breakdown, I was just in a really bad place. My doc helped me through it, once again with a change of medication. Boy, he sure does have an arsenal of things he can try. In fact, I think he's tried about everything on me although he says I would be surprised at what else he could pull out of his prescription pad.

I had a great interview for a teaching position the other day at a nearby elementary school for a fourth-grade class. That's such a great age, I hope I get the position. I also landed a role in a local community theatre play. I've always had the hankering to try acting—heck, when I'm feeling down I act pretty well anyway! The rehearsals plus a new job might be a little stressful and I'm supposed to watch that sort of thing, but how can having fun and enjoying myself be stressful?

I'm really in a good spot right now. Is it possible I may be outgrowing this disease? They say once you have depression you have it for life. Ugh! Hopefully, it's under control now. At least I know the signs and I'll hightail it to the doctor as soon as I feel anything coming on.

And, by the way, I've started dating a really nice guy. He's the first one in a long time and I hope I don't go ballistic on him. I'd really love a nice relationship.


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