What Do You Want?

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Rose's POV
As soon as we start eating someone knocks. I get up from my chair and walk over to the door. As soon as I reach the door I open it to see Marry.

"Hi, umm can I talk to you?" Marry asked.

I step outside my apartment and into the hallway next to Marry.

"What do you want?" I ask her wanting for a reply.

"I need to get something off my mind." She replied

"What?" I asked.

"I'm sorry for what I did. I didn't mean to hurt you. I just wanted to feel better about my life, I'm sorry." She replied

"You say sorry now? After all of the crap you did to me? Really?! I suffered! I tried to kill myself Marry!" I say to her.

After I said that she turns around and walks back to her apartment opens the door than closes it behind her. After she closes her apartment door I jump and my eyes get wide.

I turn to my apartment and open the door and go back in. Once I get in Jack is in his room playing and Chanyeol is cleaning up the kitchen.

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