Pretty normal

18 1 3

Rose's POV

Once we park the car outside of the apartment I look up at it and think back what all happened. I soon shake it off and continue walking while holding Jack as I follow Chanyeol.

Once we reach our room Chanyeol unlocks the door and we walk in and than Chanyeol closes the door and locks it. I put Jack to bed than head to bed myself.

In the morning

I walk up early to head to work, I grab some coffee than walk out the door locking it behind me. I start walking down to my car, I didn't see anything weird nor hear anything but the birds singing. I finally make it to my car and unlock it, once in my car I start it and drive to my job.

Everything was pretty normal, the cars had people in them trying to get to work, people taking morning walks, and cafes and stores just now opening, it was peaceful.

I soon got to work and worked my hours, it was pretty normal, more people came in the afternoon than they did in the morning. And no Marry was there so she must have gone to jail, which it nice for me cause I get a break. At 5:00PM my hours ending and I headed home.

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