Chapter two

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I stared at my phone screen for a few seconds without knowing what to do. I was wondering what she meant by "I know for you and Cassius" but especially what could she knows. I could feel the beating of my heart grow faster.  After a second of thinking, I decided to answer her "?". She answered me back the second after "Why didn't you tell me?". I pretended I didn't know what she was talking about; in a certain way, it was true.  She replied, "Don't play the one who doesn't know what I'm talking about. I know you. Since you went to this party yesterday with Cassius you changed. Dahila, I know you're no longer together..." Seeing her last text reassures me because it was the only thing she knew. I only answered her back "I don't want to talk about it now ... but don't worry I'll be ok. Good night Bonita".  Lucky for me, she didn't try to go further. She simply replied "Ok Chula... I'm here if you need to talk or beat him! You know I'm always down for fights! It's when you want! Good night." I fell asleep right after that.

The next day, Jamal went to drop me at our university. I guess, he felt bad for having forgotten me.  After my morning class, I went to join the girls in the cafeteria for lunch. We ate quietly when Kaneasha said with a lot of intonations "Damn! Did y'all see the guy over there?"

We looked around to see who she was talking about. Then I saw Hakim who's Jamal's best friend. He's also on the football team. The beauty of this Ethiopian with his amber eyes, smooth brown skin, dark pink-brown lips, curly black hair, nose piercing and good shape didn't make me indifferent the first time I saw him, but over the months he became like a brother to me.

The second where Soukvilay saw him, she said slowly by keep looking at him "I would be down for him."

Estephania replied "He's fine as fuck! I will do him!"

"Now you speak my language Mamita !" Dorcas said by giving her a high five. They started laughing like two excited little girls planning a bad move. Suddenly, we were interrupted by the arrival of Quincy, an old friend of ours. He was wearing a floral shirt slightly unbuttoned that put his brown skin and skinny but muscular body in value, black denim scratched on his knees, cocoa brown loafers,  a headband around his wavy hair and gold round glasses that match with his gold earring for his helix piercing.

"What's up y'all!" We greeted him at our turn and asked him how he was. "I'm good. Thanks for asking. In fact, I'm here because tonight, there's going to be a big event! Y'all need to come!  It is the event of the year to celebrate the back to school! I know it's y'all first year at University. Last year it was me at y'all place. Trust me, you want to be there! There will be alcohol, music, boys and it's free for y'all! Just come well dressed. It's my friend Jay and I who organizes the event and I want y'all to be there! Can I count on you girls?"

This announcement reminded me that since I know him, he's the one who always organizes events in our neighbourhood. I must admit his events are always lit! Without him, the vibe of this neighbourhood would be dead. Everyone knows him and everyone respects him.

"You can count on me, I will be there for sure!" Said Estephania. 

"Same!" Said Dorcas. 

"You said the right words, Quincy. You know me, as soon as I hear event, alcohol and good music you already know I'm here!" Said Kaneasha

"You, I adore you!" He said to Kaneasha"And you two, are y'all coming?" by talking to Soukvilay and me who didn't say a word.

"Yeah why not," I answered him without any emotion. Then the girls and I faced Soukvilay. While waiting for her answer, we looked at her with teasing glances because Quincy has been in love with her for so long that I don't remember but she never gave him a chance.

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