Chapter fourteen

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We were last week of November. The girls and I were in the cafeteria talking about Hakim's birthday party which will take place tomorrow night. He decided for his 23rd birthday to throw a big party at a five-star villa Downtown. 

"I heard tomorrow it's gonna be lit since it's Quincy's friend who will be the DJ!" said Soukvilay

"Which one? He's almost friends with all of them?" asked Estephania

"Drew, the one who did the Caribana last year" she answered

"Oh, so it's gonna be lit, lit!" said Kaneasha.

"Not only lit Hakim knows everyone and he's one of the best football players with Jamal!" I added.

"And don't forget he's sexy as fuck!'' added Kaneasha.

"Hell yeah!"  we all said except Dorcas, who didn't say any comments as she does normally.

Kaneasha then faced her and asked, "Are you coming tomorrow?"

"I don't want to see all the girls on him. I won't come" she said coldly.

"But Dorcas,"  Said Estephania feeling bad.

While we were waiting on Dorcas's answer, Jamal and Hakim came to our table. "Hey," they said to us. My brother then sat next to Estephania. We greeted them back

Hakim was still standing up when he asked us "Are you girls still coming tomorrow?"

"Yes, for sure," we said except Dorcas

"What about you, Dorcas, are you coming?" He asked.

She replied, "No, I have other things to do." I knew by her answer that deep down she was hurt more than we thought but she wanted to act like she didn't care.

"Are you upset at me?" He asked

Dorcas raised her eyes up and then put her earphones in her ears. The atmosphere was so uncomfortable. 

"I know you can still hear me. I want you to come to my birthday but if you decide not to, because you're upset that I had a thing with another girl or that I'm not ready for a serious relationship, you do as you please." Dorcas sighed and didn't answer him.

He was about to leave when he added, "How many times do I have to apologize before you ever speak to me again?"  As she didn't answer, he sighed as well "Anyways, see you, tomorrow girls''

"Bye Hakim!" We said to him expect Dorcas.

Right after Hakim walked away, Jamal said before he leaves too "Well, I guess I will see you later baby." He kissed Estephania and join him. The atmosphere was suddenly heavy and silent, a few seconds after Dorcas began to cry. She left the table without saying a word to us. We stayed silent for a moment. Then Estephania said "I'm going to check on her. I'll text you tonight." She took her purse and left as well. After that, we separated.  I didn't have class this afternoon, so I went home with Jamal.

On our way home he told me "I think he cares about her," referring to Hakim.

"Why did he fucks with that girl if he really cares? I will never get y'all, boys." I replied to him.

"I don't know what to say"

"Obviously!" We laughed and then he asked me in a more serious tone "How're things with your boyfriend?''

"Pretty good actually.'' I could feel that he felt bad for what happened to me but didn't want to bring the subject to the table. It was the first time since he found out that we were having a private conversation.

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