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Today was the day Darell and I were going to move in together. Since the day my parents had agreed, I had started collecting boxes and packing my belongings. In our search for a place to live, I learned that thanks to the investment Darell had made in buying his duplex and renting it out; thanks also to my new work we could buy a house. The bank granted us a mortgage and we saved enough for a deposit. We found an ascetic modern house in Scarborough, Toronto.

That morning, I woke up at 6am excited. As soon as I woke up, I texted Darell "I can't wait". I knew he was probably still sleeping since it was Saturday. So I got out of bed and took my shower. After my shower, I went back to my room to pack the last clothes I had left and gather the new items I had bought for our house.

While I was packing my last clothes, I saw that Darell had finally answered me, "That makes two of us!" I couldn't help but smile from the inside.

So much so that I was in a good mood, I decided to go and cook a feast for my parents. I finished closing the last box and rushed to the kitchen. When I arrived, I took out eggs, red onions, spinach, cheese, bagels. I made an omelet and then I started the coffee maker. After about ten minutes, everything was ready. I was preparing the table when they arrived in the kitchen.

"Sawubona ubaba and umama!" I said smiling to them.
Isizulu translation: Hi Or Good morning

"Sawubona!" They responded to me.

When they saw what I had cooked for them, my father came to kiss me on my forehead to thank me and then my mother gave me a kiss on the cheek. We sat down and started to eat.

"What time will the moving truck come? " Asked my father while grabbing a bagel.

"At 8:00 am. Darell is already at the house," I said.

When I saw my mother holding back her tears, I too had tears in my eyes.

I put my hand on hers and caressed it. "Umama, please don't cry. I will come to see you I promise." She nodded her head to say I know while wapping her tears off.

Suddenly this fear of the unknown invaded me. All those years I was looking forward to finally leaving home, but now I felt so sad. It's like I just realized I was their last baby to leave.

I looked at my parents with teary eyes, "I want to thank you ubaba for raising us with authority in the South African way. Sometimes I thought you were unfair, but today I am happy that you forced us to speak isiZulu and Xhosa and know about our culture. Umama, thank you, thank you so much. Without you, I would have lost the man I love. You are a good mom Ngiyakuthanda.Ngikuthanda Kakhulu."

Isizulu translation: I love you. I love you so much.

"Siyakuthanda nami," They said to me.

Isizulu translation: We love you too

I then got up and went to give them a hug that's when I heard the doorbell ring. I looked at my phone and saw that it was already 8 o'clock. I knew it was the mover guys. So I went to open them. They greeted us and asked me what to take. I told them to take things in my room and the boxes that were in the living room. While they were getting my belongings out, I asked my mom if she wanted me to do the dishes. She refused for the first time in my life because according to her I would have a lot of cleaning to do in my new house.

I smiled sadly and went to my room to get my purse. Arriving in my room, I called Darell immediately.

"Hi coffee..." I said almost breathlessly.

"Are you ok?" When he said these words, I broke down in tears.

"I'm sorry. I know I shouldn't cry, but..." I said.

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