Chapter fifteen

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We came to Darell's place around 4 o'clock in the morning almost 5 o'clock. The sun was slowly starting to rise and the sky was clear which announced a beautiful day. Strangely, I wasn't feeling tired. As soon as we get in, we took off our coats and boots. Then went up to his room. Since I only had my dress to sleep on, he gave me one of his long sleeve sweaters.  I thanked him timidly and went into his bathroom to undress while he was changing in his room. In the bathroom, I took off my makeup, wiped the sweat on my body with a towel he told me that I could use. Then, I put on his sweater and brushed my teeth.

When I was done, I went back to his room. There was some music playing  at a low volume in the background. Darell was already inside the bed but got up to go to the bathroom when he saw me come out. While I was waiting for him, I felt my heartthrob. It was strange since we already had some kind of intimacy before. I needed to find a way to relax. The only way I found was to take a deep breath and fix my hair to make sure I was looking like something.  Right after, I went to lay under the sheets. When he came out of the bathroom, I stared at him. The fact that he wore his durag, a white t-shirt fitting his body perfectly and grey jogging was distracting me.

"What are you looking at?" he suddenly said cutting me off my thoughts.

"Nothing'" I said embarrassed.

He smiled a little bit too proud. I said with a big smile on my face as well "Why are you smiling?"

"Damn a black man can't smile?"

I looked at him with a face that meant "Please" and he started to laugh at me so I threw a pillow on his face. He looked at me and opened his arms on each side of his waist to mean "The fuck".  In the next seconds,  he took the pillow, jumped on the bed bouncing me on purpose and started to hit my butt with it. Lucky me, I succeeded to turn my body to face him. He let go of the pillow and grabbed my hands with his hands while staring at me like something he wanted to eat. I was waiting to see what would be his next move. After he finished printing an image of me in his head, he removed his hands-on mines and we sat on the bed. We started to discuss.

"About earlier when you said that I was opening access to girls or Rachel on me. I understood your point but I want you to understand that me doing the move to show myself publicly with you right after the day you kissed was a closing access to me that I wanted other girls to know. You already know all that because I didn't hide to you that I was talking with some of them and filtring with a few. Since our kiss, I shot all of them down and talked face to face with the ones who couldn't get my decision."

"I know and I appreciate the fact that you're real with me. I guess I reacted this way because I don't want to lose you and I don't want to be that girl who trusts her man but he makes her look stupid by his actions on her back. I'm not saying that you are this kind of boyfriend. What I'm saying is that I love you but I'm scared of loving you not because of you but because my trust in men went away that night I was raped."

"Baby, I know and at the same time, I'm confused as hell because I'm no expert on this but I'm still here and I'm going nowhere. I will probably say some wrong shit or do some moves that you won't appreciate. I'm not perfect. The only thing I'm asking you, is you to give me a chance. Take all time you need. I know trust has to be earned, but I trust that you will trust me eventually, even if your slow ass is slower than a turtle I..." I interrupted him touched by his sweet words. I really wished Darell was my first. I then grabbed his t-shirt pressing my lips to his. He kissed me with the same passion and desire as me bringing my body closer to his. I could feel his soft luscious lips caressing mine while our tongues were interlocking. I pulled his t-shirt harder towards me and said "I trust you."

In the next seconds, he placed his hand on my neck and choked me slightly while kissing me with passion. Then he squeezed my cheeks kissing me more ardently.  While squeezing my cheeks he looked at me in a hotly way. I looked at him as well bitting my bottom lips sensually. He was turning me on. With our kisses becoming fiery, his body pushed mine to lay on the bed and him to be positioned over me. He stopped kissing me and stared at me as he was trying to read my soul. Without realizing it, some tears flowed down my face. He stroked my cheeks wiping off my tears.

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