Chapter Eleven

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We arrived at home around 5 o'clock in the morning. As soon as we stepped in, Jamal invited Estephania to follow him to his room but she declined his invitation since she was disappointed. I knew from his non-verbal that he understood why she was so cold. He didn't try to convince her; he only said goodnight to us and went up to his room.

Right after Jamal left, the girls and I went up to my room. When we came into my room, Soukvilay took a shower while the others were settling down to sleep and I was waiting for her to finish. When she was done, I gave her one of my nightclothes and I took a shower as well. As soon as I was done, I put on my satin bonnie. Afterwards, we went to sleep. We didn't sleep much since Jamal woke us at 9 o'clock in the morning when he said standing on my doorstep "Girls wake up we have to go!" As no one seemed to wake he shouted "Yo! "

Then Kaneasha said with a sleepy voice "Go where? Why so early?"

"We have to go get Malik to the police station, they release him for lack of proof of his involvement as he had no wrist injuries or Cassius' blood on his shoes. On the other hand, he must not leave the city, " He answered.

Upon hearing Jamal's words, I thought about the shooting earlier this morning and I realized that I was wrong about Malik. He didn't kick Cassius. I never saw him. The only thing I'm sure of is that he was wearing gloves as if he planned everything.

Lens' voice gated me out of my thoughts, "Also, the visiting hours begin soon. Quincy's dad allowed us to visit him." I suddenly felt Soukvilay who was next to me gesticulating. A few seconds later she got up from the bed.

"He's awake?" she repeated relieved with a sleepy voice

"Yeah," confirmed Lens

"Why all this noise?" Dorcas suddenly said and added "I was doing a hot dream with one of these black chocolate brothers. Y'all just going to do me like that?"

"It's wasn't Hakim by any chance?" Kaneasha asked as if Jamal wasn't there.

"Shut up girl!" Dorcas replied to her.

"Y'all done?" Jamal asked first looking at Kaneasha who nodded to say yes with attitude and then at Dorcas who did the same.

Lens then added "I gave you 30 minutes to get ready. We'll buy something to eat on the way." They closed the door and left.

After my brothers left, we cleaned my room and started to get ready as quickly as possible. When we were done, we went to the living room. We saw Jamal and Lens who already had their coats on them. They seemed eager and stressed. Our parents who also were in the room, by chance, didn't ask us about Malik. We put on our coats and got into the cars. Those in Jamal's car went to buy food while we, in Lens's car went to pick Malik. I was with Soukvilay. Lens drove for about ten minutes when he finally stopped in front of a police station. After he parked, he got out. Soukvilay and I stayed in the car waiting for him.

"How are you?" I asked her to break the silence.

"I could be better." She stopped talking and added, "I was so afraid of losing him."

"I know, me as well."

"I'm an horrible person," She unexpectedly said.

"Why are you saying that?" I asked.

"I've been so mean with him all these years. He was talking about me to his dad and I didn't even care about him. After all, I don't think I deserve him at all even as a friend." She replied.

"Don't say that! Lingling, you're one of the best people that I know and the nicest person ever! You saved his life."

"I don't think so..." It was then that Lens and Malik came in the car. I was happy to see him but I didn't tell him. He didn't even look at me. Lens started the car and headed to the hospital.

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