Chapter Twenty-one

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2 weeks have passed since Christmas. Darell and I haven't talked to each other since. I texted him on New Year's Eve to wish him a happy new year. He simply replied, "Happy new year to you too." When I texted him back to try to have a conversation he never answered. I would have gone to his place to confront him, but we both have worked full time during the holidays with opposite work schedules.

The winter semester had begun. It was Wednesday of the second week of January. Today was my first day and it started on a bad foot.

During the afternoon, I was on my way out of the college when passing by Darell's locker, I saw him chatting with a girl I never saw before. She was incredibly beautiful. By her facial features, she seemed to be Somalian or Ethiopian. Her body was slim, her brown skin was glowing and she has a waist to die for. The most beautiful thing about her was her hazel eyes; they looked unreal. I must admit it made me jealous to see him talk with her. I didn't know who she was or why she was talking with my boyfriend, but I didn't like it. So, I decided to stop to hear their conversation. Curiosity overwhelmed me.

"Why are you here?" I heard Darell ask her.

"I have called you almost a hundred times. You never answered Darell. It's Enofe who told me where you were." The girl.

"I'm not going to tell you twice. What are you doing here Salmiya?" Darell seemed pissed.

She took a deep breath and said to him, "I miss you, Darell. I miss us. I did a mistake."

I couldn't believe what I was hearing. Who was this Salmiya and why Darell never mentioned her? 

She added "I know that I left.  That day I did the biggest mistake of my life. I'm here to redeem myself. I want you to give me another chance. Please honey, you're the best thing that ever happened to me and I panicked."

He interrupted her and said to her coldly "Are you done? Cause you wasted your time commi..." Unexpectedly my phone rang. I turned down the call quickly but it was too late. They noticed my presence. When Darell saw me, I felt humiliated and embarrassed. I only wanted to cry; so I ran away from them. While running I felt as I was suffocating.

A few seconds later, I finally got outside the university. I took a few minutes to catch my breath. I knew Darell had exes but seeing Salmiya's beauty who obviously wanted him back made me insecure about his love for me.

While I was thinking, I felt someone's hand hold my shoulder. I turned around and saw Darell. I was upset at him but also embarrassed. I didn't know where to stand. I didn't even dare to look at him in the eyes. I started playing with my fingers to release the stress, but I could tell that he was staring at me; it wasn't helping. I stayed silent untill he starts talking.

A minute of silence later, he finally said to me, "you don't trust me and now you spy on me."

"I wasn't ... I ..." I said without being able to breathe well. I didn't know what to answer him with the shame I was feeling.

I thought he was going to get upset, but instead, he told me calmly, "come with me. Let's talk somewhere more private."

"Why? Your gorgeous ex is still in love with you and she wants you back. I guess it was with her with whom you have been in a relationship for three and a half years?"

He didn't answer me but leaned his hand to me for me to follow him. I followed him without grabbing his hand. Then, we started walking. He brought us to his car and opened the back seats door for me without saying anything. I went inside the car and he followed me then closed the door.

"You want some music?" he said as if nothing happened.

"I'm lost," I said to him.

"I said..."

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