Chapter Thirty-seven

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After Darell left my table, I tried to enjoy the rest of the wedding by having as much fun as possible. However, deep down I was feeling down and even more heartbroken. I was aware that I had just lost him as a boyfriend and also as a friend. But at that moment, I had run away from that awareness. The only thing that came out of me was anger at him. How could he tell me that I'm not ready? And not ready for what exactly? For him?

The more this anger invaded me, during the evening, the more I drank to drown my inner sorrow. Around midnight, I think I was completely drunk. I don't remember exactly what happened. I only remember, after drinking 5 glasses of alcohol and dancing until I was exhausted, I found myself sitting on a chair around a table with a bunch of guys I had met earlier on my way to the bathroom. We were in the middle of a discussion about something I forgot when I saw Malik walking towards our table in anger.

When he arrived, he said authoritatively, pulling my arm, "Get up! Let's go home!"

"Stop treating me as a child, I do what I want! I don't want to leave!" I said with attitude.

I could read on his face that he wanted to hit me. Before the situation got out of hand, Lens and Quincy, who had seen the scene, came towards us.

"What's going on here?" asked Lens, who noticed that Malik was angry at me.

"Talk to your sister, because she doesn't listen to me! You're her favourite anyway," Malik told him.

"You guys are making a scene for nothing. Your little sister is fine. We were just having a chat with her," said one of the guys at my table.

"Did I ask you something? And who are you anyway?" said Lens in upset.

"I..." Said the guy as he was about to answer him when Lens interrupted him.

"I don't give a shit about your name! You shut the hell up when it comes to my sister! I haven't talked to you and we don't know each other!"

"Lens, I'm fine! I swear!" I said with exaggeration.

"No, you're not okay at all," Quincy contradicted me.

"She's fine bro, cut her some slack," said another guy.

"He's right! Give me a break! You're messing up my night!" I told them.

"For that, you managed to do it without us," Malik replied.

After Malik's comment, I stood up angrily. I didn't want to spend another minute in their presence. They had managed to embarrass me in front of guys I didn't know. This made me even angrier. When I was about to leave the table, the guy who was about to answer to Lens said, "Do you need someone to walk you h..."

He didn't have time to finish his sentence when Wesley said as he withdrew his hand from my hip, "don't even think about it!"

Seeing the looks of hate coming from Wesley, Malik, Lens and Quincy the guys decided to leave. As soon as they walked away, Wesley said to me with a lot of anger and concern, "look at you! Since when do you get so drunk? Is it because of Darell that you are like this? For a guy, you're ready to get drunk and put yourself in danger with guys you don't even know? You've really changed. I miss the Dahila I knew once because the one in front of me is a stranger."

As I listened to Wesley my throat tightened and I had trouble swallowing. Was he right? Had I changed as much as he said?

"Wesley, I don't care how long you've known my sister. Don't you dare talk to her that way! You're not her dad and you're not one of her brothers!" said Lens, defending me when he saw that I had started to cry.

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