Breaking The Ice

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How shall I start this? My name's Nagisa Shiota. I'm in Junior high, and I'm 15 years old. Today was the day of the school festival. And of course, all my classmates left me with a good amount of work. As in drawing and spreading rumors around for our class festival idea, which I also had to help come up with.

"Hey, Nagisa!" My old friend, Karma, shouted from a crowd of popular kids. "I'm going with these guys for a while! Is that okay with you?!"

I didn't even know why he asked. He always ends up going with them anyway. "Yes, Karma!" I shouted taping the poster to the wall.

"Okay! Thanks!" he ran off, thinking little of the work that was left.

It's like I'm his mother. Why does he ask me for permission to do things?

I rolled my eyes. The fact that he does things like these pisses me off. I rolled my eyes again as more of my classmates strolled around doing nothing and talking to their friends. I'm what most people would call: an Ice King. It's the male version of Ice Queen, if you couldn't guess. I've been labeled that since I was a first year.

"Everyone knows not to mess with me..." I mumbled as I gathered my supplies and moved on. "They just leave me alone now."

Giving a cold stare too many times, people will start to understand a little more. Now I'm pretty sure some of you may be wondering "If he's so cold, then why is Karma Akabane his friend?". Did I guess correctly?

If I didn't, then oh well, I lost. But to answer the question, Karma's my friend out of my reputation. That's right, my reputation of being an Ice King. He wanted to be friends with me because he wanted to beat everyone's bet that I couldn't smile. Which, he lost. But eventually he began to feel pity towards me, well that's what I'm guessing anyway. I mean, that he found me pitiful for being friendless.

But truth be told, I'm okay with being cold and alone. People just add to much weight on me, they want you to pay attention, have feelings for them, and blah, blah, blah!

"I could seriously go on for days with the list..." I said to myself.

"Go on for day with what?"

I jumped and turned around. In front of me was the person who had spoken. It was the school's, and city's, most notable girl: Akari Yukimura.

I had a blank expression. Yes, I gave an expression. This girl can make any cookie crack. But before I could overreact, I got my act together.

"With a list of mine, Yukimura." I held my head high and crossed my arms. "Why would you, want to know my business?"

She frowned. "Wow. Looks like you really don't take kindly to people, Ice King."

Again, all you could see were the wites of my eyes. She looked stunned at my answer, nobody would even dream of rolling their eyes at Akari Yukimura before.

"Huh." was all she could sputter out.

"'Huh' what? I got a lot to do." I spoke keeping a straight face.

She began walking towards my supplies. She picked up a poster and tape. Yukimura then began to tape the next poster. This time, I stood stunned. Why was Akari Yukimura helping me out? This was unbelievable.

She finished up and stood tall, though because of he height it didn't make much of a difference. "You're welcome."

I nodded and resumed my work. But still, she didn't leave. Instead, she began to talk to some people. She proceeded to tell those around her to help do all this work instead, that's what I think she was whispering about. People soon took over all the work and left me with nothing to do.

"Hey, Nagisa, come with me please." Yukimura took me by the hand and led me into the woods, and what right does she have to call me Nagisa?

Once we were in a safe part of the woods, she looked at me. "I have something to say to you, Nagisa."

But before she could continue, I cut her off. "First, I have a question for you: Why did you call me by the first name?"

Her face turned a bright red. "Di-did I?"

"Yes." I crossed my arms. "How would you like it if I addressed to you as Akari? Instead of Yukimura, as everyone else who speaks to you in person calls you."

Her face turned a little redder. She smiled nervously. "I actually, wouldn't really mind that..."

"What?" I tilted my head in question.

"Look, Nagisa," she smirked, with a slight blush on her face. "What if I told you, you could be adored my girls? Admired by other boys?" the brunette girl asked. "All you have to do is say yes, or no, to my question..." she leaned in.

I backed away, as she was getting a little too close. Her name was Akari Yukimura, and she was breaking the ice.

Edited on November 15, 2020
Original on May 23rd, 2017

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