Back To School

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"On a scale of 90 to a 100, how much do you like her?" Karma asked.

"There's no way you're gonna make me say it, Karma."

"Aww, but I've never seen you like this so it's always fun to tease you."

"Only you..."

Karma laughed and leaned back on his chair. It was the first day back in school and he wasn't exactly used to Nagisa's change in attitude.

He seemed, more light hearted. Karma was curious on how much he actually did like her.

"Hey, guys." Popped in Akari. "Just so you know I'll be spending lunch with two other girls. They need my help on some things."

"Fine with me." Karma shrugged.

"Have fun." Nagisa said as he pulled out a book.

She looked at the book, filing a little. "... maybe I will." Akari said, walking off.


"Nakamura, why did you ask for my help you don't need it?" Akari asked.

"Because it's always good to double check." She shot back. "And plus, it was Manami who needed help. She just gets so timid around others she can't talk."

"I-I don't get that timid, Rio, you're over exagerating." She said trying not to stutter.

"... sure I am." Rio tapped the sheet of English homework. "Now you gotta work on this."

"But I don't wanna."

"Don't fight me, just do it."

"I-I'm not fighting you I just don't see a point in learning so much language stuff." She Semi-shouted (?).

The two continued to argue as Akari was stuck in the middle of the two. She had never heard Okuda raise her voice above a timid inside voice.

"Yukimura, help her out! That's what you're here for." Nakamura said, snapping Akari out of her daze.

"O-oh right." She said and quickly picked up the paper.

Akari inspected it as quickly as possible. But before she could begin explaining, Rio's chair screeched as she was standing up.

"I'm sorry, Yukimira, but I need to get a drink. You can continue in the meantime." She walked out.


"She sounded so intimidating! It was kinda scary. But the weirdest part about it was that Okuda raised her spice above a timid inside voice." Akari explaied.

"She did?" Karma raised an eyebrow. "That doesn't sound like her."

"I'm more surprised that Nakamura didn't tutor Okuda herself." Nagisa said.

"Right, considering Nakamura as smart as she is in that subject." Karma responded.

"... oh yeah! She had a perfect 100 on all her tests for English, just like you, Karma." Akari said.

"Yeah, I wasn't that surprised though. She is really smart."

"Mhm." Karma paused. "Now who got 3rd?"

"I don't remember. Wasn't it Kataoka?"

"Right, so it was Me, Nakamura, Kataoka, and... who was fourth and fifth?"

"I was 4th, and Hara was 5th." Nagisa pitched in.




"You were?"


"You're helping them again?" Karma asked as he picked at his food.

"Well, I didn't want to but Nakamura said Okuda needed help from me."

"Well, have fun then." Nagisa said, not even acknowledging her that much.

She rolled her eyes. "Maybe I will. Could use some better girl friends." Akari said as she walked away.

"Hey! What's wrong with me? And I get that Nagisa looks like a girl but I don't."

She didn't say a thing and left the classroom.

"You didn't have to insult me, Karma."

"... yes I did."


"You sure you don't miss her? She's been barley speaking to you all week long. Don't blame her, you're so cold it's no wonder she got mad."

"I'm not cold... Im just not the type of person who likes showing affection in public." Nagisa didn't lift his eyes from the book infront of him.

Karma smiled. "So you don't mind showing affection when you're alone, got it."

Nagisa blushed, finally looking at something other then the book. "I just don't see the point of showing the world that you have a girlfriend." He rolled his eyes. "Like what am I supposed to do? Say stuff like 'Hey, I'm dating the most popular girl'? Now that's stupid."

Karma hummed. "Wow, no need to get so defensive. You could be just said 'Yeah' but no, just gotta blow up at me."

"... sorry... I got really defensive, didn't I?"

Karma patted his head. "That's the first time you've said sorry like that, and apologized with reason. So, I accept your apology."

"... You know, Karma, I really hate you." Nagisa smiled, taking Karma's hand from his head.

"Shut up." Karma laughed, finally seeing Nagisa smile.


"So I smile and now you act like I'm your best friend?" Nagisa said as they entered the room.

"Of course. I mean, I would be done this sooner to annoy you but you seemed angry enough all the time I just kinda let it go."

"Isn't that a first." Nagisa put his bag on his hook. "Anyway, I'm gonna read so I want you to leave me alone for awhile."

Karma watched Nagisa flip to a page, which he saw was page 213.

"You've been reading a lot more than I remember, Nagisa."

"Have I?"

"Yeah, it's kinda weird."

"... well, actually there's a story behind this."

"Really? what is it?"

"You see, for a the remainder of Christmas break Akari read a book, this book, she kinda fell in love with it. So she kept telling me to read if. So, I am."

"Huh, what genre is it?"

"Well, it's kinda like a Romance-"


"Lemme finish. It's a mix of Romance, action, and horror."

"Ah, didn't ever think she'd be into that."

"... Honestly, I didn't either."

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