Don't You Dare!

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Niether did I want to believe it, or except it. But something about Akari made me feel... Something that I can't describe with words.

"Nagisa, I'm gonna go home now." Akari tied my hair back to pigtails.
"Hm?" I turned my head. "How?"

"What do you mean?"

She opened my window. "You're mom is down stairs and I don't wanna get in trouble. So, I'm going out the window." she walked over to me and gave me a hug.

Seconds later she jumped out the window. I walked over calmly, she had landed safely.

"Bye..." I mumbled as she ran off, not hearing me.

Not like I wanted her to hear me. Don't get the wrong idea!

I blushed.

I'm crazy.

And I'm also tired. I'm going to bed.


I groaned as my alarm went off.

Groggy was the word to describe me at the time.

I looked at the clock 6:30 am. As normal.

I pulled my self out of bed and but on my uniform. My hair was messy. I let it down.

"It looks terrible." I scratch my head and ran the brush through my hair.

Stroke by stroke, it got straight. I tied it back up unto neat pigtails.

I straightened my tie next and dusted off my blue vest. Everything was neat and were it should be... Well not everything.

I had felt something the night before. It was warm and fuzzy. I was used to cold and scaly. So I felt odd and out of place.

"Calm down, go down stairs, eat, leave something for the bi-I mean mom." I said to myself.

Speeding down the stairs I stopped once I went to the living room. There was my mom, passed out on the couch: Drunk.

Why should I be surprised?

I rolled my eyes and went to the kitchen.


"Nagisa!" Karma yelled at me from behind. "Thanks for waiting for me." He said sarcastically.

"No problem." I said.

I had gone on ahead without waiting for Karma this morning, but it was for a good reason. There was someone I wanted to see... Don't judge me.

"I was being sarcastic." He rolled his eyes and chuckled.

"So was I." I turned my head, avoiding eye contact.

Karma knew that something was off. I could tell he knew.

"Is something wrong?" he raised an eyebrow.

"How would you know?" I sighed.

Karma then gave me puppy eyes and pouted. "Come on, I'm your best friend. Please tell me, I can help."

"... This is the one time I will tell you anything." I sighed again. "The thing is... A girl asked me out."

Karma stopped, then stopped me. And looked at me with disbelief and shook me by the shoulders. "Why did you wait till now to tell me?!"

"Because I knew you'd make a big deal about it!" I pushed him off of me.

That didn't stop him, he placed his hands on my shoulders but didn't shake me. But instead looked me straight in the eye.

"What did you say to her?"

"Yes, of course." I said monotone.

He gasped rather loudly. "Mr, no emotions got a gf!" Karma patted my head. "I'm so proud."

"Shut up! Will you!" I was ready to punch him.

"No promises~"

"That wasn't a question." I growled.

He smiled nervously. "Okay..."

The rest of the walk was silent. Until he stopped me right in front of the school doors.

"Nagisa, just one last question?" he smiled.

"What is it?" I glared.

"Who's the unlucky girl? Let me guess. Kanzaki Yukiko?" he suggested.

"No." I raised an eyebrow. "Why did you say her?"

"Because she has a crush on you." He smirked.

I blushed lightly. "Lair."

"No I'm not, I hang out with her the most since she's in the popular group. But don't ask how I found out." He opened the school doors. "Now... Is it Nakamura Rio?"

"Again, why did you say her name?" we walked to out classroom.

"Let's just say I know how to get things like this out of people." He walked into the classroom with me behind him.

"Okay... I'll trust you on that." I sat down.

"Okay, final guess... Hm... Yukimura-No! It couldn't be her, could it...?" this piqued his interest.

"How you'd you know who she likes." I blushed lightly.

He stared at me. "Nuh uh. No way. Not in a million years... That's the girl!"

I put a hand over his mouth. "I swear to God, that if you utter a word to anybody. I'll reveal your biggest secret."

"Which would B- what?! You wouldn't dare." He growled.

"Oh yes I would, my dear friend." I held back a smirk.

"..." He sat down in his spot next to me and pouted like a little kid. "You wouldn't even dare to go near her."

"Oh yes I would, I could prove that I could."

He didn't utter a word. But the lucky thing for me was that the girl we were talking about, was in our class.

"Okuda!" I called out. "Wanna hear a secr-"

Karma slapped a hand over my mouth. "Fine. I won't tell anyone."

"Good." I said to him.

I turned over to face the front of the desk as Karma called out to the small girl.

"Ignore him! Please pretend that didn't happen. Like, ever." he said to her from his seat.

She nodded and went back to her book.

"Oh wow, I'm surprised you were able to talk to h-"

"Shut. Up." he growled.

"Mhm. Fine, Karma."

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