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This is gonna be narratted now instead of having Nagisa tell the story now...


Time flew by quickly, it had began to get fridged and snowy. But like usual, Nagisa wasn't happy.

"I hate the cold." Nagisa shivered and in the bench at the park as Akari made a snowman.

"Why? Because you're always alone?" Akari laughed.

Nagisa threw his head back and looked at the gray sky. "... Shut up."

Akari giggled and put her scarf around the snowman. She didn't have anything else to decorate it with but she liked it anyway.

"I wish I had something to use as eyes..." Akari frowned.

The wind blew causing Nagisa to stand up and walk away. Not because he was leaving, but because he was gonna look for something.

Nagisa looked up at the pine tree that was decorated with lots of lights and bells. It was nice and luckily nobody was around.

So, just once in public, he'd smile.
"Nagisa, do you like the tree?" Akari walked up next to him.

Nagisa sighed, but nodded.

Akari smiled and nudged his shoulder. "We can go now, if you'd like."

Nagisa nodded and continued walking.

"So, you don't like the cold but you like Christmas?" Akari asked.
Nagisa looked at her. "Mm, I guess so. Mainly because I get to see my dad during this time because my mom goes to places around this time of year."

Akari tilted her head. "How come you don't get to see your dad any other time?"

Nagisa shrugged.

The couple left it at that as one noticed a missing scarf.

"Where's your scarf?" Nagisa asked.

Akari stopped. "Uh oh." She smiled sheepishly. "... I think I left it on the snowman... Hehe."

Akari continued walking on as Nagisa removed his. It was a long, warm, gray scarf. He caught up behind Akari and wrapped the scarf around her.

"There, now you're warmer, right?" Nagisa walked next to Akari.

She blushed and held onto the gray scarf. "Yeah, but, this is yours."

Nagisa cracked a small smile for the first time towards her. "So? What kind of person would I be if I left you stay cold."

Akari smiled back and hugged him tightly. "Thanks."

Nagisa didn't know how to respond.

What do you do when someone hugs you? He thought to himself.

Awkwardly, he placed a hand around her, wondering if he did it correctly.

"You know you were supposed to hug me back right?" Akari separated from him and continued walking.

"Well..." he looked away.

Akari laughed. "It's fine. I know you're not used to people expressing affection towards you."

Nagisa looked at her and sighed. "Yeah, yeah."

---Few Days Later---

"Achoo!" Nagisa sniffed and flopped back on the bed. "Fudge."

He was currently at his dad's house since it was winter break. And it's been days since Akari had talked to him.

"I knew I should've have smiled." he looked at his clock. "Probably weirded her out or something."

He hugged his pillow and closed his eyes. Maybe this was a cold since he kept sniffling and had a headache.

"This'll blow over soon, hopefully." Nagisa said as his dad entered the room.

"Hey, Nagisa," His dad said.

Nagisa lifted his head up. "What?" he said irritated.

His dad smiled. "There's some girl here for you. Better get dressed, Nagisa."

Nagisa rolled, nearly falling on the floor.

In a few minutes, Nagisa had gotten dressed in sweatpants a black shirt. He didn't feel like trying.

"Hm?" he said the second he got out and saw a certain girl.

"Hey, Nagisa." Akari smiled.

He walked over to her. "How do you know where my dad lives?" were the first words to escape his mouth.

Akari laughed. "Never mind that, I've got something for you." She held up the gray scarf.

Nagisa looked at the scarf and received it.

Both stood there, Blushing a lot as Nagisa's dad stared.

But soon his face went from confused to giving off a smirk. "Oh I see what's going on here... You've yourself a girl!"

Nagisa blushed and reacted quick. "Dad!"

Akari smiled, still blushing as Nagisa shouted and his dad kept up the teasing.

"Okay, okay..." His dad laughed. "..." he walked off the door. "Take care of the house while I'm gone, Nagisa!"

And with that, his dad left them alone.

Nagisa sat down on the couch and sighed, his soul leaving his body.

Akari giggled and sat next to him. "I say if that were my dad and you came over while he's home, you'd be dead."

Nagisa placed the back of his hand on his forehead. "No kidding."

He got up and went to the kitchen. Maybe he'd get himself a snack.

Not a lot to say other then the fact that his dad has lots of snacks.

He reached for a bag of chips and went went back to the living room, where Akari was staring at her phone screen.

Nagisa grabbed a chip out of the bag. "When are you leaving?" he munched.

Akari fumbled with her phone at his voice. "Eh?.. Er, well, I don't have things to do so I'd like to stay here for awhile." She got grip of her phone.

Nagisa sat down next to her. "Why?"

She glared at him, causing Nagisa to regret what he had said.

"Forget I said that." Nagisa said quickly.

Akari sat back and sighed. "No worries."

They sat in silence, both thinking of what to say.

"Hey, Akari," Nagisa started. "Why me?"

Akari looked at Nagisa. "Why what?"

He stared out the window. "Out of all the guys, why did you choose me? I'm mean, rude, blunt, and so many other things. There's a bunch of other guys better then me... That would treat you better."

Akari didnt know how to Respond. "... Why did I choose you?.. I told you, I have reasons."

"You did tell me? I don't remember. Sorry."

Akari giggled softly. "It's fine. But I'll tell you another time. 'kay?"

Nagisa nodded as Akari unexpectedly fell on his chest.

He blushed as Akari stared at the kitchen cabinets.

"Do you have pudding?" she asked.

Nagisa looked away. "I think so.. You can go check."

She jumped off and went to the kitchen as Nagisa began to eat his chips again.

But something big hit Nagisa. And that was:

I wish this were pizza now.

Something truly big to regret.

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