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Jason shifts nervously in a seat in a small café inside the Kingdom walls. He pulls his hood down lower once he sees someone looking at him. Then he hear Mitch's voice come in through the communicator on his right ear.

"Okay. You ready?" Mitch asks. Jason looks down at the table.

"Ready for what?" Jason whispers. Jason has dark grey eyes, brown hair, a black jacket with the hood up that darkens his face, dark blue gloves, black boots and a silver chain necklace around his neck. Jason shifts slightly when he feels the curse crawl up his neck. He pulls on the collar of his jacket to hide it. "You haven't explained anything to me. Why didn't you ask Seto to help you, at least he blends in better then I do."

"Seto was passed out and I'm frankly scared to wake him up. Sorry Jason. Ty is probably out on one of his adventures and well...we both know why Adam can't help me. All I need you to do is to confirm what I see when I use my farsight ability." Mitch said. Jason bites on his bottom lip, letting his eyes take in the surroundings around him. "Okay, let's do this."

"Tell me when you got something." Jason whispered. Jason taps his fingers on the table right before someone sits in the seat across from him.

"You want to decay the Kingdom after we worked our asses to fix it?" They ask. Jason calms down and then smiles.

"Hey Ian. How's the Kingdom life?" Jason asks him. Ian smiles a little. He has a black hair, brown eyes, a dark blue cloak with an rose emblem on it, and a pair of duel swords attached to his back.

"After we beat the bad guys, the King gave Jerome and I our jobs back and with a promotion as well." Ian said. Ian loses his smile. "How's Adam doing? He didn't seem that good the last time I saw him." Jason sighs and then shakes his head.

"His memory is getting worst. We are trying everything we can but, it just doesn't seem to work." Jason said. Ian looks away.

"That's horrible." He said. Jason jumps as Mitch starts talking in his ear.

"You know Jason, in order for this to work. I need your full attention." Mitch said through the communicator. Jason puts his hand on the piece of metal.

"Right. Right. Sorry, Mitch." Jason said. Jason looks at Ian. Ian smiles a little.

"No. No. I get it. You have guardian stuff to deal with. But just because Jerome and I aren't living at your big fancy temple doesn't mean that we won't help. By the way, isn't the temple like super far away?" Ian asks. Jason smiles.

"Don't worry about that. I got that covered, this past three months have been...well insightful." Jason said. Ian chuckles.

"See ya, Jason." Ian said.

"Bye." Jason said before Ian left. Jason looks out the big window and hears Mitch starts to tell him things.

"Dude, why are you in some café?" Mitch asks. Jason smiles a little.

"I'm hungry, stop judging me." Jason said. That's when Jason felt a pair of unsettling eyes staring at him. He gets up from his seat and walks out.

"So, where are you going?" Mitch asks. Jason puts his hands in his pockets, saying nothing. But he notices someone leaves the exact café. Jason grits his teeth together.

"Mitch." Jason whispered.

"Yeah?" He asks.

"I want you to focus in on the person who canes out of the café. Did you see them?" Jason asks. Jason gets a yes from Mitch and silences. Jason looks away, keeping his head low. Then he spots Ian talking to some guards on a horse. Jason walks over to him. "Ian." Ian looks down at Jason and then slips off his horse.

"What is it?" Ian asks.

"Um...Jason. This person is following you." Mitch said over the communicator. Jason sighs irritated and then tells Ian what's going on. Ian nods and looks pass Jason.

"I don't recognize them, they definitely aren't from around here." Ian said. Ian looks at Jason. "What do you want me to do?" Jason looks at Ian.

"Distract, so I can leave without them on my tail." Jason said. Ian nods and then smiles.

"I have the perfect distraction. Jason, you're under arrest." Ian said. Jason takes a step back.

"No, something different." Jason said. Ian rolls his eyes.

"Seriously? You can just decay the chains and slip out without a trace easily." Ian said. Jason sighs. Ian crosses his arms. "You'll just be taken into the castle and the King already likes you. So no problem." Ian suddenly puts cuffs around Jason's wrists and hooks a chain onto them. Ian climbs up onto the horse. Jason balls his fists.

"Ian, you are lucky that if I even touch you that it would be a never ending suffering for you." Jason said. Ian smiles and trudges his horse forward yanking on the chain attached the Jason's cuffs pulling him forward.

"This way, it pulls you out of this situation and close to a Kingdom Wall. Everybody wins." Ian said. Jason rolls his eyes.

Last To Know: Book 3 to the Guardian's Trilogy [DISCONTINUED] Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt