Ch. VI

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It was dark and the only sound was enderman. Ty sat against a obsidian pillar, his head in his hands and black chains around his wrists and ankles with some type of golden rope coiled around his wings. Ty sniffs, feeling another tears slide down his tearstained cheeks. That's when he hear footsteps and two familiar voices but he doesn't move. Instead he just stays there, staring at the endstone.

"Ty!" Adam exclaimed before he runs over to Ty and goes down on his knees. Ty flinches and picks his face from his hands, meeting Adam's eyes with his. Adam smiles at him. "Come on. Lets go home." Ty looks away from Adam, Ellie flashing through his mind as Seto works on freeing Ty. Ty's wrists are bloodied and bruised, along with his ankles. Ty wipes his face quickly when he realizes he has been crying again. Seto looks at the golden rope, grabbing ahold of it. Ty winces and Seto tugs on his right wing.

"Adam, untie his wings." Seto said. Adam nods and starts working on Ty's left wing. Ty stays silent, staring at the ground when another pair of footsteps come. Ty looks over seeing Jason. Seto groans in frustration. "Did Notch seriously have to make it this hard to free you?" Jason walks over to them and looks at them. Ty looks up at Jason, instantly noticing the wither growing on his right cheek.

"J-Jason. Your face." Ty said. Jason pulls his hood down lower and steps away from them.

"It's nothing." Jason said. He looks over at Seto. "Let me just decay his chains, Seto, before you do something." Seto steps away as Jason takes over. Adam gets Ty's wing free and works on the other as they start to question what happened.

"Wait, is Ellie okay?" Ty asks Seto. Seto smiles a little.

"She's really worried about you but she is fine." Seto said. Ty looks away, smiling.

"Good." He mumbled. Adam frees Ty's other wing, Ty instantly lets them stretch out, groaning at the stiffness before Jason decays the last chain. Ty looks at Jason, noticing the curse almost covering one of his eyes. Ty looks at Seto. "Isn't Notch giving Jason those potions?" Seto nods and looks at Jason.

"He should. Did you ask for one?" Seto asks. Jason looks at Seto.

"Um...N-No." Jason lied. Ty stands up, stumbling into Adam. Adam grabs Ty to balance him. Seto stretches out Ty's left wing.

"Go get one, Jason. And your wings are damaged, Ty. Do you need the pain spell?" Seto asks with a grin. Jason chuckles while Adam just looks confused. Ty shakes his head.

"No. I don't need myself to be acting like a drunk person around, Ellie." Ty said. Adam looks over at Jason, noticing he is look over the edge of the giant island.

"Is something wrong with, Jason?" Adam asks. Ty looks over at Jason.

"How about you talk to him, Adam? He'll tell you stuff." Ty said. Adam walks over next to Jason. Jason doesn't even acknowledge him till Adam pokes him. Jason looks at Adam.

"How can you be so happy?" Jason asks. Adam loses his smile. 'Masking the fact that I have no idea who I actually am and I also got a killer headache.' Adam thought. He puts his hand on his head. Adam looks out into the void.

"I can see why Ty likes this place, it's dark and quiet." Adam said. Jason smiles a little.

"Don't forget he was alone with Ellie for a few years." Jason said. Adam nods and smiles.

"Um..Ca-Can I ask you something?" Adam asks. Jason nods.

"What is it?" Jason asks turning to Adam. Adam looks at him.

"W-Who's Herobrine? That name is like the only thing that has been able to stick. Why are my memories acting like this?" Adam asks before he puts his hand on his head again. "Uugghhh..." Jason looks at Adam, worried.

Last To Know: Book 3 to the Guardian's Trilogy [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now