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Seto woke up hearing panicked voices and feeling unbearable pain manifest in him but he was too weak to show any reaction. Pressure pushed against his chest and stomach.

"You'll be okay, Seto. Just don't die on us."A panicked voice said. Seto took deep shallow breaths, he let out a groan. His eyes cracked open, his vision was blurred and he saw a blurred figure above him. They look down at him. Seto's vision clears enough for him to be able to tell that it is Ariana.

"A-Ari.." Seto croaked. Ariana gives Seto a small smile. Seto shivers violently, Ariana has Seto's head resting in her lap. She moves his hair from his eyes as his eyes close.

"Seto? Can you please stay awake for me?" She asks. Seto opens his eyes. Ariana smiles at him, her thumb caresses his cheek gently. Ariana has a black cloak on that covers her wings, they are in the Kingdom's infirmary, the Kingdom of Minecraftia. Jerome comes up beside them.

"You took a heavy hit, man. So take it easy." Jerome said. Ariana looks at Ian, Mitch, Jerome, and Quentin

"Thank you, guys. Jason and Mitch said to come to you three." Ariana said. Seto has a white bandages wrapped around his chest that is stained red from his shoulder down to his right hip. Quentin picks up Seto's destroyed shirt and looks at her. Ariana looks at it. "Just throw that out." Quentin nods. Ian steps forward, looking at Seto.

"What happened? Where's Jason, Ty, and Adam?" Ian asks. Ariana looks down at Seto, her thumb still caressing his cheek.

"Adam and Ty are both missing and Jason's wither has taken over him making him physically unable to do anything." Ariana said.

"What?! Did Jas-W-Wither take his potion?" Jerome asks as the King enters. Ariana looks at the King. They have it so there is a white curtain cutting off Seto from everyone else for privacy and Ariana asked. Ariana looks down at Seto. Seto fell back asleep, but his breathing is shallow and his skin is pale and clammy.

"Thank you, your highness for this. Your Kingdom was closer then the Guardian's Temple was." Ariana said. The King nods.

"There's no need to thank me. I'm happy to help the Guardians when they need it." The King said. Ariana looks at him.

"I must warn you though...Brine isn't in a right state of mind, he might attack..I'm not sure. Ender has gone after him I'm told, and Wither has been temporary..disabled.." Ariana said.

"Temporary disabled..what is that suppose to mean?" The King asks. Ariana looked down at Seto as Jerome and them explained to the King. Ariana feels Seto's forehead and sighs with relief. 'His fever broke, that's a good sign. Why does he always have to scare me like this? I can't lose Seto, he's like....' Ariana thought before her cheeks redden. 'I want him to be more than just a friend like he always has been, but I don't want to ruin our friendship because of how I feel..' Seto's eyes open up, Ariana gives him a smile.

" do you feel?" She asks.

"T-Tired..." Seto mumbled. She smiles a little as he closed his eyes, turning his head against her knee.

"Get some rest, you'll be back to yourself soon enough." Ariana said. Ariana gets out from under Seto and stands at his bedside. Seto grabs her wrist, she blushes when he does. She looks at him.

"S-Stay...Ari....p-please.." Seto mumbled. Ariana smiled slightly and nods. Ariana pulls over a chair and sits down beside him. She takes his arm and slips her fingers through him, holding his hand. Seto's eyes crack open, seeing her. She smiles.

"I'm right here, I won't go anywhere without you." Ariana said. Seto coughs a few times and than closes his eyes, soon falling back asleep and his grip on her hand loosens. Ariana rests her arm down, still holding Seto's hand.

"Um...Ariana..." Mitch said. Ariana looks over at Mitch and them. They are all staring at Seto and her. Jerome arches his eyebrow and smiles. Ariana blushes, she looks back at Seto.

"Shut up, you four.." Ariana said.

Last To Know: Book 3 to the Guardian's Trilogy [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now