Ch. IX

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Although he didn't mention it, Adam knows that they are not alone. Adam held Kyra's hand behind him, making sure that she is close to him and isn't lead astray. There weren't any mobs, none and that alone is unsettling.

"We aren't alone." Adam said. Kyra looks at him, she was on edge as much as he was.

"That doesn't help me feel any better." She said. Adam stopped, making Kyra walk into him. Adam's eyes glowed, as he mumbled something under his breath. Kyra moves closer to Adam, her other hand touching his arm and she squeezes his hand.

"You aren't suppose to feel better." A voice filled the hallway. Adam's eyes fade back to normal as he looked around, Kyra moves against Adam's back out of fear. The voice sighed. "A brine and a human. Tell me Guardian, where are your friends?" Adam looked behind him, seeing a fireball barreling towards them. Adam sweeps Kyra off her feet and moves out of the way of it. Kyra's arms fall around Adam's neck as she buries her face in his neck. "Fast reflexes....That is good, you'll be needing that." Kyra pulls her face out of his neck and looks at him.

"Sky." She said. Adam looks at her and gives her a small smile. He holds her close to him.

"Don't let go, I'll get us out." He said to her. She rests her head on his shoulder. Adam takes a few steps forward, looking in all directions around him as the voice fills the hallway again.

" seem familiar." The voice said. There was a pause. "Nevermind that, kill the intruders." Adam runs down the hallway as guards appear. The guards have either bows and arrows, spears, or swords. Sky dodges attacks from them and slips pass them. But as soon as he did, a guard appeared ready to strike them down. Adam lets go of Kyra's legs, he pushes Kyra aside and tackles the guard as his sword pierces into Adam's shoulder. Adam flinches, he grabs a knife off the guard and pins him down to the floor. Kyra yelps when she hits the floor, she sits up and sees Adam kill the guard. He pulls the knife out of his shoulder, what Kyra doesn't get is that Adam did not even flinch when he pulled it out. Adam turned around, slashing the sword upwards, cutting into two guards' chests. Adam's eyes glow as a fireball appears over his hand, Kyra gets up, backing up as some guards go after her.

"S-Sky!" Kyra cried. Adam blocks an attack and looks over at Kyra.  He knocks his attackers weapons and kicks them down. Adam runs over in front of Kyra. He sweeps her off her feet again and jumps up through an opening in the wall.

"Get them!" A guard yelled. Adam runs along the roof, Kyra's arms around his neck again. She looks at his wound.

"Sky, your should--"

"I'm fine. Are you okay?" He asks her. She nods.

"I'm okay. Who is that?" Kyra asks. Adam doesn't answer, but he feels wind zip past his ear as an arrow flies back it. Adam flinches and staggers to the right. He stops, he looks behind him seeing bowmen in black armor aiming at him. He grits his teeth, irritated. Adam sets Kyra on her feet and turns around, his eyes glowing.

"Nigrum patiare innubere nostris." Adam chanted as a black aura appeared and shot straight towards the bowman, making them go flying. The bowmen would either fall into the lava ocean below or smash into a wall and into the nether mansion. Kyra's eyes widen.

"Since..Since when could--" Adam's eyes faded back to normal and he looks at his hand.

"I don't know. I..Instinct I guess." Adam said.  Adam turns back to her, he picks her up again. His arm giving in a little from his injured shoulder. Kyra puts her arms around his neck.

Last To Know: Book 3 to the Guardian's Trilogy [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now