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Wow! Look a chapter! Sorry for a big gap between updates!

Once the news of what happened reached Kyra, she bolted for a nether portal knowing exactly where Adam would run off to. She runs around until she sees a familiar sight, her's and Sky's laboratory. She runs inside and goes through rooms until she stops before the living room, hearing crying. She opens the door.

"Adam!" She gasped as she ran over to him. She encases him into a hug. "It's okay. We'll figure this out." Adam picks up his head to look at Kyra.

"You...You're on my side, right?" He asks. Kyra nods.

"Of course I am. But when you left, Seto got seriously injured and Ty is gone. And Jason, Jason is in really bad shape with the wither starting to consume him." Kyra said. Adam looks away from her, thinking.

"Is that suppose to mean something to me?" He mumbled. Kyra stares at him shocked.

"Yes, what they did was bad Adam. But unlike Notch, the other three had good intentions." Kyra said. Adam moves out of her arms.

"It's..It's because of them I can barely remember yesterday or the day before that. It was all them." Adam said. Kyra nods slightly.

"Yes...but...who was the one who did the spells? Not Seto, Ty, or was Notch. Be mad at Notch, not your friends." Kyra said. Adam looks away from her, pulling his knees to his chest. Kyra sits against the wall besides him.

"I don't..I don't know anymore. My head hurts and..and nothing makes sense." Adam said quietly. Kyra puts her arm around Adam's neck and smiles.

"And that's why I'm here. I'm..I'm your..."

"Best friend?" Sky said. Kyra loses her smile and than nods.

"Y-Yeah. Friend. And right now, lets go back home." Kyra said. She gets up. "Come on, lets go!" She smiles and takes a few steps away from him, she stops when she sees that he didn't move.

"I can't go back." Adam said.

"Why not? Our lives are there." Kyra said. Adam looks at her.

"Yours is, mine isn't." He said. She gets confused for a second and than understands. She shakes her head and goes down on her knees beside him.

"I'm not leaving you here--"

"I don't want to go back, what kind of life is hoping that just one day I'll wake up and remember what happened yesterday? My memory....My memory is too damaged, Kyra. I..I can--" Kyra grabs Adam's arms making him look at her tear filled eyes.

"I'm NOT losing you too!" She shouted making him flinch. "I'm not. I can't see my life without you in it anymore, Sky. I just can't because you're the closest thing I ever gotten to family, and I'm not gonna lose my new family." Adam stares at her for a few moments, before he hugs her.

"Th-Thank you." He said shaky. Kyra smiles a little and hugs him back.

"No problem." She said softly to him. When they let go of each other, Kyra got up, she smiles at him. "Well, come on. Let's go." She helps Adam back up. She hangs onto his hand as she leads the way. Adam smiles a little, giving her hand a squeeze and Kyra returns it. But little did they know was they weren't alone in that building.

Last To Know: Book 3 to the Guardian's Trilogy [DISCONTINUED] Where stories live. Discover now