Chapter 4

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Kirstyn: (Changed it up)

Sam and I went to Starbucks on the beach. He brought me to a beautiful set up of lunch right on the shore no one around. Feeling so romantic staring into he's eyes and noticing his rosy checks.

I ordered salad and he ordered chicken. He pulled my into the ocean and we played in the water coverup and all. But I didn't care--that's the kind of couple we are.

We danced and swam for what seemed like hours and I pulled Sam out of the Water with him still in my hand so I could grab the last few sips of my Starbucks.

At the bottom of my cup I noticed something shiny. He pulled it out and said. "I love you Kirstyn Pottorff."--"I love you Sam...wait what?" Tears streamed down my face with a pounding heart as he got on one knee and said..

"Kirstyn I love you forever and always and for 4 years 6 months 3 days 4 hours and 43 minutes I knew I wanted to marry you so I'm hear today to ask will you marry me?!"

I laughed with tears of joy hot on my face I could feel me blushing as I screamed. "Yes."

I kept saying I love in between kisses and I sat on Sam's lap siting together on the shore waves pushing against us.
Immediately; I called Chloe and told her the News she started crying and Sam was laughing in the background with his hands stuck to my waist.

I hung up the phone and laid on his chest and he rubbed my back--I was so happy right now.


Sam wanted me and beth to go celebrate with him and Kirstyn. We had to leave in an hour and Bethany was still getting ready--typical girl. I was done so I went into the bathroom; without knocking..."Connor what the hell I'm in the shower?!"

"Sorry babe." I just walked out feeling guilty--So I filmed my video I had to upload.

"Hey guys it's Connor! And Bethany's taking a shower soooo I decided to film, because I have nothing better to do. This week on o2l is love week, so I'm going to be vlogging Beth, Sam, Kirstyn, and I's double date! So here you go..."

I shut of the camera. "Are you ready yet?" I groaned."Out of the shower but no not ready." Come on."Dressed at least?" --"No can you get me and outfit." Okay; me with outfits? "Um yeah sure." I went to her drawer and pulled out a black brandy maxi dress, undies, and a bra. Handing them to her--I started walking away.

"Wait Con I still want to talk to you."

"Hehe okay." I walked back to the bathroom smiling and she had her clothes on now. She opened the door more and I sat on the Toilet seat.

"When are we getting marrie?" I gulped. "What about now." We laughed and I wished secretly it was true. Bethany's my everything. That sentence always lingers in my mind.

"Bethers?" I hesitated. "Yes Con?" --"Later in the will marry me right? Cause I love you." She came up to me and kissed my nose. "Always" them she kissed me on lips.

"I love you." She smiled. I pulled her on my lap and gave a tickles on her belly, and kisses on her face. "I love you more." She rolled her eyes and gave me a hug around my neck laying her head on my shoulder. I rocked her back and forth.

"Hair time." She got off my lap and started to do her hair. I pulled out my camera and filmed.

"So Beth is curling her hair with the outfit I picked out. She's gorgeous isn't she." She looked at me. "Babe stop." Then went back to her hair curling. Pointing the camera at me I kept talking.

"So we have to leave in like 30 minutes and she is still trying to become every more perfect which is impossible, so why would she try." She came up and said to the camera, "Hey see this guy. Let's take a moment cause he's the ultimate man of my dreams."

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