Chapter 13

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a/n: Key points of my day; My chips are really stale, I have a lot of homework, and I'm waiting for someone to bring me icecream. I also want Jc's kitten.


"Oh sorry." I said to Connor while grabbing his hand to pull him up. As soon as I did he attacked me with a huge hug.

"No I'm sorry." He said while kissing my forehead.

We sat there hugging it out for maybe about 5 minutes, I'm probably over exaggerating though.

"I had the worse dream." I said releasing from his strong grip.

"What was it?" He looked at me in the eyes.

"It was about a girl, I drove away from here and found a girl crying, and her mother stabbed to death next to her."

"Oh that's strange." He said placing his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know why I had it." I looked down.

"It's okay." He said placing his hand on my check and smiling.

"Stop being so cute." I laughed.

I walked upstairs into the bedroom putting the sunflowers dress back on. Then I placed on my brown sandals and grabbed a cream cardigan because I know it's chilly outside.

Connor came out of the bathroom looking adorable with jeans, a plain white shirt, and a black leather jacket.

"Wanna go to a coffee shop?" I asked him lightly placing my lips together.

"Why not?" He said wrapping his hands around my waist and looking into my eyes.

I looked in his and still remembered the first day I saw those eyes. They were very intruding to my mind, because they were so beautiful. But that's beyond the point.

I grabbed his hand as we walked outside of the house to the only car we had and I smiled at him as I sat down.

"Why are you so happy today?" He asked me while starting the car.

"Because of you." I laughed.

"Stop being cheesy.." He laughed along, "although we are that couple."

"Yeah I guess we are." I said looking for his freckle on the side of his face, close to his ear.

"Yes, yes we are." He laughed.

I laughed and we soon arrived at a small coffee shop that was named, 'Maiden Laugrar'

What the hell kind if name is that? Don't ask me.

Walking in I saw a familiar face that I couldn't catch on to leave the coffee shop.

We ordered our coffee and I watched Connor look on his phone doing whatever he was, so I took out my phone and took a quick photo.

"Aw, Con look." I smiled showing him the cute photo.

"Send me it photographer." He laughed, and I did as told.

Soon I saw a notification pop up on my screen.

Thanks to @bethanynoelm I have a super creative photo to post from our coffee date.☺️

(Photo in side bar)So honestly I'm at writers block rigtht now so I'm not updating as much..but luckly I had a dream about cethany so I'm just going to change things around a bit, and well type it out for you. :)


I know she was happy I posted that photo because she couldn't stop giggling after I did. We sat down with our coffee and talked about everything that made us happy.

Our lives were great right now and I simply enjoy it. The only thing is, our beach trip ends today.

Don't get me wrong I loved this trip, but I'm more excited to get back home and it just be me and Beth again.


"You ready to go?" She asked me as I grabbed the last bag of food from the kitchen. "Yeah lets go." I looked at her and smiled, she didn't see me though.

We got in the car and saw Kian and Chloe in the front, "Aw otp!" Bethany screamed as she sat down.

"Oh shut up, Cethany's like the third most shipped, at least it finally happened, it sure took a while, what? 2 and a half years?" I looked at Bethany shocked, why the hell did she care?

"Chloe can you please expl-" She cut me off, "I was a very hard shipper, I even had a fanpage, Yeah I know, Awkward. I'm sorry, but it was just a ship meant to be together."

"So what was the fandom like, sorry but I have a lot of questions to ask." Bethany jumped in.

"It was perfect actually, we always had each others back, to be honest I feel like it was the strongest fandom I was in. No one ever seemed depressed, or upset, and I saw that in a lot of other fandoms."

"Ah I see, how did people react when we started you know, going public?"

"Well we figured it out on our own about a month or two before that because of me and a few other accounts. Connor posted a vlog and showed the bedroom in the background in his 'new apartment' Not to mention you said the same thing in a video. It was quite funny actually because the day you went public, the Cethany tag reached 100,000 tags." She blabbered.

I looked over at Sam, with Kirstyn cuddled up to him, rolling her eyes at Chloe.

"Chlo, give Bethany a break. She doesn't need to know about your obsession. And we are not going to get any further before you start talking about how you came to the conclusion of your username being "@cethanyfeels" because-"

"Oh shut up you butthead, do we need to bring up Sterek?" Chloe smirked and then continued her thoughts, "So yeah basically we were like little detectives and it was so fun!"

"AW that's amazing! So-" I groaned and laid my head on Beth's lap to sleep, judge me I don't care.

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