Chapter 10

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Placing the tray with two bowls of soup and hot chocolate on my lap, I nudged Connor to wake up.

"What?" He groaned. "Wait do I smell food?"

I started laughing and he sat up rubbing his eyes. "Yes."

"Mmm and hot chocolate." He giggled.

"I know I'm so excited, I haven't in a while." I said, the grin not leaving my face.

"Thank you baby." He said kissing my check. Then my grin turned into a frown.

"Don't call me baby, that's what my mom calls me." I frowned strait at him.

"Okay then I'll call you, sweetie."

"No, that's what my dad calls me."

"Fine I'll call you betherson."

"Nope my sister calls me that." I laughed.

"Then what am I supposed to call you? Honey? So we can be some old couple?" We laughed together.

"No, just call me Beth." I giggled.

"Alright fine. My Beth. I'll call you my beth because your mine and mine only." He said pulling me closer.

I put my head down taking a sip of my hot chocolate then storing my soup around. I knew this question was going to have to be asked.

"Hey con?"

"Yes?" I could feel his breath as he leaned his head on my neck.

"Well do I say this.."

"Say what?" He looked confused.

"Well it's more of a question." I stared down trying to make no eye contact.

"Then ask me it."

"Well, I was wondering if it bothers you that we have no absolute memory of our first, sex?" He pulled my chin to look at him but I couldn't so I laid my head on his shoulder and grabbed his hand staring into blank.

"Well My beth." He chuckled and I smiled a bit. "I asked myself the same question. And my answer was a no and yes. No because you are now done with the pain. But yes because I can't remember that special moment of ours. But that just means we will have to make next time, extra special." he smirked.

"I love you." I whispered under my breath.

He pulled my face to kiss him. When we pulled away I realized what I was staring at...a blank white wall.

"Connor you know what else bugs me?" I giggled.

"What now?" He said and I hit his arm. "Ow!" We both laughed.

"The plain white wall, it needs something."

"Well miss Bethany Mota what does it need?"

"Polaroids!" I screeched.

I ran to the closet and threw on a black shirt, destroyed shorts, a red and black flannel, and black combat boots.

Connor was wearing jeans, a grey shirt, and a dark blue and green flannel with black converse.

* * *

"Where are we going?" He asked. I wasn't going to be rude, I know how it feels to be in that position.

"An on place down town, it's got a lake, brick walls, graffiti, metal, just a really cool place to take photos."

"Okay." He grinned at me.

We arrived at the place and we hopped out of our car. We bought a lot of film to take a lot of photos.

The first place we went was the brick walls. We stood together doing several poses and goofy faces.

Wrong LoveOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora