Chapter 9

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"You really fucked up Bethany." She looked at me with tears. "I'm sorry, I really am."

"How can I forgive you, I mean Bethany that's really Fucked up, I would never do that to you."

"Please stop cursing at me."

"Stop cursing at you? Well Bethany why don't you stop cheating on me, huh beth what about that, your lucky I saved your ass before shit went down."

"Connor it was a mistake I was drunk, I don't remember any of it." Yeah I know it was probably Kian's fault, but I don't care it made me feel like shit.

"Connor I don't love him."

"I know you don't." The rest of the ride home was silent. When we got home she took a shower and changed into her clothes.

I grabbed some food and went into my room. I filmed 4 videos and sat down to edit them.--That's basically what my whole day was.


Connor went in his room to obviously ignore me.--Like thanks.

I went on Netflix looking for a movie and found a few to watch.After one movie I got bored and called Chloe, since Kirstyns on her honeymoon.

"Hello." She answered. "So I was wondering if we could go get lunch, get our nails down then maybe film a collab?"

"Alright yeah sure." She said. "I'll pick you up in 45 minutes."

"Okay." She hung up the phone and I went to go change. I put on white fold up shorts, a daisy halter top, and silver sandals. I went to eat breakfast then wrote a note to Connor.

Dear Con,

If your reading this that means your looking for me, so that means I love you :)

Im going out for lunch and going to get my nails done with Chloe.

Text me if you read this.

I love you babe, I'm sorry.

Xx, Beth.

I put it on the counter and headed off to get Chloe. We went out to lunch, still no text from Connor.

We went to get our nails done, still no text from Connor. We went shopping, still no text from Connor. We went to Chloe's apartment to film, still no text from Connor.

A tear shed my eye as we finished editing Chloe's. She started both our uploads.

We ate dinner and they uploaded I was getting a bunch of feedback on twitter on how I should do more Collabs.

I shut my phone off and told Chloe goodbye. My hands touched the steering wheel, but my foot couldn't touch the petal.

I couldn't try, because I didn't want to.

But I did because I had to. Driving was silent.

No radio, no cars, no traffic, just me an the road. Where me and Connor live there's no cars anywhere late at night, everyone's in early.

Which we love, he said that's one of the reasons why him and the oursecondlife guys moved out here.

Here I'm thinking about Connor all day, when I'm supposed to be ignoring him. I stopped on the side of road to relax and not drive.

It was a lake with a bench and the stars were above my head. I saw a figure--Great.

Walking closer I saw it was someone familiar, it was Connor.I sat down on the bench he saw me and looked away.

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