Chapter 5

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Last night when I got home I took a shower and washed my dress.

I also had a long conversation with my sister about moving in with Connor and she said we should get our own apartment.

Considering what happened, I agreed--Now I was siting up in my bed eating breakfast.

Today my family wants to celebrate the birth of me since I was with my friends yesterday. I got up and washed my face, brushed my teeth and applied my make up.

Letting my hair down I curled it. Picking out my outfit I chose a peach flowy top, a white skater skirt, and brown braided sandals.

I heard a knock at the door to my bedroom but I didn't feel like answering it.--"Who is it?"

"Connor." I heard him muffle. "Okay you can come in."

The door opened and I heard foot steps walking towards my bathroom. He walked in and I immediately hugged him, I felt bad for what I did last night.

It wasn't his fault.He kissed my forehead and put my nose on his. "It's okay."

Was he reading my mind? "We're forever and always."

I smiled and said, "I know."

I kissed his lips lightly and walked out my bedroom door as me and Connor were hand in hand. He is not leaving today.


"Hello children." My mom muttered.

"Hi mom." I smiled, "Good morning, Mrs.Mota." Connor said in a gentleman's voice.

I nudged his arm and we both just laughed. My mom gave me a stare, then a sweet smile."Here you go darlings."

She handed Connor and I to big plates full of pancakes. "Thank you." We said in sync.

Gobbling the pancakes, and finishing we both went back up the steps.He sat on my bed and I sat on the floor.

"Alright Ms.Noel what do you want?" He smirked. "This is serious babe."

"Okay what is it?" He looked a little worried. "I was talking to my sister and she thinks it would be best to get our own apartment."

His face was full of shock. "W-Wh-Alright." He hesitated.

"What's wrong?" I asked curiously. "Nothing I'm just going to miss my boys."

"I found an apartment literally behind the o2l house, we can walk to it," I smiled, "We can check it out...only if you want to though."

"Alright." Now he was smiling.

I went up and kissed his plum lips and looked into his hazel eyes that glossed in the sunlight.

"Let's go." He grabbed my hand and pulled me, I grabbed my purse quick enough before we got out of my bedroom.

"Bye Mrs.Mota! We will be back before 2:00!"

"It's 12:00 Connor, we will be back be 1:30." I whispered in his ear. "What about lunch?"

"Oh." I said and he winked, "Mhm."

"Bye Beth, bye Connor!" I guess my mom was starting to like Connor even more, which was a good thing.


We pulled up in front of the large tope colored building. When we arrived at the door we were escorted in by a butler.

"Fancy." Connor looked at me with a smirk, I nudged him and gave him that really look.

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