we meet again

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Ana stood from her seat at the park. She looked at her surroundings in search of something or someone as if being summoned. One by one, her feet followed each other with her head up as if it alone was chasing of what is ahead. The spell casted down on her fades as she meets someone she never thought she could see again after so many days that tore her apart.

This man that she thought she saw a blissful future stood in front of her. What was she going to say? Maybe sorry but sorry for what? She had no answer as her mind raced with countless thoughts. On the other side, the man who rocked Ana's world, stood beside her also lost in thought. He too thought of saying an apology but of what? He had done so many things wrong that he too didn't know how to apologize.

He stepped closer to her. He wanted to hug her, to feel her body pressed against his but he couldn't because there were a million things to chit chat about and try to fix that he knew that touching her, hugging to be most precise, was not the wisest thing to do as he knew that his hands have a much more possibility of having the mind of their own when a pretty lady just like Ana stood beside him.



There he stood in front of me, gazing down at me with lost eyes. I could see it with my own eyes. There were many things he wished to say to me, all wrapped up in his big head.

I have this ache to at least touch an inch of his skin or to just take away the misery. I barely know him, only just five days of knowing his existence and a day that I met, spent the day with and parted ways- well ran away from each other, but right now it's like I have known him since... I don't know but it is a damn long time!

I willed myself to look up at him but I couldn't as tears clouded my eyes. I felt a shiver on my face that spreads like wildfire all over my body. I can feel his hands brushing my chin- hesitant of what he is to do next. But all his hesitance drifted away as I felt his hand pulling my chin up and still my eyes remain screwed shut.

"Open your eyes Ana. I want to see you." he says softly, his voice tugging my fast paced heart.

I open them, droplets of tears casting down my face. I remain quiet as my eyes are locked in the gaze of his. "Don't cry" he says and I could hear tears building inside of his throat.

It is then I couldn't hold it anymore. I break into piece in front him. He stood silent watching me. His long index finger brushes away my ocean of tears, him silent as if his mouth was never put into use.

"I'm so sorry Christian," the words burst out of my mouth with great force as I wobble side to side. He catches me in his arms and he too said what I had said. He held me in his arms as gravity was winning the tug of war. He held me close for comfort, as if I were to disappear never to be seen again. I lay my head on his chest. He shifts away from me shocked, a hint of pain dancing in his eyes. Almost instantly he pulls me back on his arms.

I feel drunk, drunk because of his heavenly scent. I inch myself closer to him, a voice nagging at the back of my mind questioning everything about this being. Was he hurt? Could I ever take away the pain? Could I give him the comfort that he oh so needs, perhaps the love...



Strange. God dammit that is the way I could explain everything. In my chest I feel my chest actually beating-not because it has to be there to beat me for me to live another minute but because I feel alive, which is the right kind of alive.

Say that word again: STRANGE. Her head touched my chest, and through all the layers of my clothes- the leather jacket zipped and navy blue shirt- I felt her touch that brought back my heart from the dead. And strangely- there's that word again- her touch didn't hurt but it felt...nice.

I hold her tightly in my eyes to drink her heavenly scent and to feel that again and again. The tears rock my world, shattering the walls I have built up leaving me bears. I wanted to say many things but how was I to say them? When she also says the same thing?

I must admit: I am indeed a coward. For days i have dreamt and thought of her. Wishing that I could just see her again. I have craved for her presence. I could have just gone to her but fear killed all of the confidence.

I look up to her eyes that sprinkle with tears. A part of me wants to beat the pity out of her, but shake off is much better considering my interest on her. To this hour, I still beat myself up with guilt. I wish I could have just talked to her, make her see because maybe we could have been at a better place. Choices...choices. I just wish there were none but the good.

I lead her to a concrete bench at the park. The city is hushed in silence with no people walking down its streets. I bring Ana closer to me to feel her warmth again me. From the corner of my eye, I see her hand rising up, I quickly take hold of it. My eyes look up to her, pleading, telling her what I do not wish to utter in this very moment.

"Why," she asked warily.

I look up to her and say, "I had a rough life that caused a disruption on my life. But that...is a story for another day." I kiss her knuckles and in a blink of an eyes, she disappears never to be seen again.

I rise up from my bed confused as hell. Everything in my room is misplaced or perhaps am I?

Ana must be next to me so that I could feel her heavenly scent but where is she?...

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