drastic measures

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A sullen Teddy is my inspiration as I call the child protection services. It has been a week since my confrontation with Christian and things have not been good.
Teddy has been much more quiet than normal, combined with the cold and distant look in his eyes, it is a clear indication that whatever is happening at home, is not affecting him well. My spidey senses have been tingling for the past few days, and it is today that I decided to investigate, and the result aren't pleasing.
He was badly bruised, old bruises interlocked with new ones, and the brand new bruises have a hint of dried blood. What is really going on inside the Grey residents?
"She keeps beating me and I don't know why. She says its fun, but I don't see the fun in that."
"Ana, I don't know what to do and dad doesn't believe me. What do I have to do."
Teddy's words echo in my mind. I am doing this for him because he deserves a happy childhood that he truly deserves, not to be living in fear, and misery, for something that is not completely your fault. This all has to stop, I can't keep nursing every new bruise in every new week. It's not because it is a lot of work but it is saddening.
A loud know on my door halts my thoughts, reminding me of the reality that is in motion. I let the woman inside my empty classroom as all children are in recess. The blond woman is dressed in a fitted grey two piece, who looks really good for her age as she looks like she is approaching forty.
She sits across of me in my desk, sorting the papers in order. As soon as she is finished, she turns to look at me and says, "America Jacobs. Why did you call us Ms. Steele."
I raise an eyebrow at her as she didn't mind to even say hello.
"One of my students, I think he is being abused."
"That's a serious allegation, and coming from a teacher..."
"Just because I'm a teacher, it doesn't mean I'm lying to you right now. Let me assure you that I have no beefs with anyone at the moment," I say through gritted teeth, as anger begins to bubble up.
"When has this started, or observed?"
"Last week. I confronted the father but judging from what I saw this morning, he has clearly ignored what I said to him."
"Okay, where is the boy," she says in a high pitched voice irritating me more.
"I'll get him."
I brought Teddy to the classroom from the cafeteria, who was surprisingly sitting alone. He didn't fuss, questions were not raised, he was just quiet.
Where was his friend? Oh let me guess, Teddy blew him off.
Teddy sat obediently with his head bowed. America looked at me for an answer and all that I can give her was a shrug.
"Can you tell me what is going on Theodore?" the social worker asked. Teddy remained quiet, motionless. "Would you feel better if I got you a toy or do you want Ms. Steele to leaves-"
Before America could continue, Teddy shouted no. He looked at me, his teary eyes pleading to me. He was reaching out to me.
"Its fine Teddy, I will leave okay?" I muttered as I kneel to be eye to eye with him.
"But I don't want to. Please Mrs. Jacobs, can I have her here?" Teddy pleaded, a lone tear descending on his cheek. America had no other choice but to agree I'm sure for the reason to finish this session quickly.
"Can you tell me Theodore. Can I call you Theo?"
Teddy nodded but he struggled to say his answer. I took his hand in mind in hopes of calming him down.
"Aunt Elena keeps beating me whenever I am alone with her." he muttered, his voice low.
"Do you know why darling?"
"No," he whispered, sniffing softly, "She says I deserve it. That I have a bad boy when in fact I did nothing."
"What about your parents? Do they know? Did you try to tell them?"
"Dad doesn't believe me, but I know he does, but he doesn't do anything."
America stared at the boy in front of her, equally stunned as I am, as Teddy showed her his scars, producing a gasp from America. When she snapped out of it, she said she was going to call his father but I didn't hear her as all of my focus was on Teddy.
When I hear clattering of heels entering my classroom, it is then I finally absorbed what she said she was going to do, or what she has done, as Christian and Grace enter and boy aren't I afraid.
Christian and Grace sat down. Christian's glare scared me to hell, less than pleased as to why he is here.
And Grace, the concern behind those dark brown yes, you could see that she is suffering because of something that could have been stopped. And now with a high probability that Teddy might be taken from them, I feel guilt for the first time ever since this day begun.
"Mr. and Mrs. Grey, you are here to discuss Theodore's situation." she said, eying Teddy from his spot at the far end of the classroom, busy scribbling down on his scribble book.
"Why would we need a social worker then," Grace muttered.
"Because of child abuse ma'am. I'm sorry."
"What!" Grace exclaimed, standing from her seat and starts pacing.
"That's a lie that you are willing to believe," Christian articulated with so much disgust, that my body quivered.
"But how," Grace asked in disbelief.
"By the name of Elena as said by Theodore."
"Are you sure Mrs. Jacobs because I find that hard to believe." Grace nodded with what Christian has said.
"If you ever spend enough time with your son and actually investigated," I spitted. Christian rose from his seat and I thank the almighty father that I am still alive and for the desk that separates us as fury boils inside of him, giving out a cloud of steam from his nose and ears.
"My relationship with my son has got nothing to do with you." he towered me as he spoke his words through gritted teeth.
"But look Christian, someone actually got hurt. You cant just ignore this."
"I'm here aren't I"
"But do you support Theodore. If you actually cared with your family then we wont be having this conversation you hot headed bastard! I really don't know why you are here like literally."
What I said was enough to make the Greys sit on their seats and the misery painted on their faces was less pleasing than the pleasure of having to say it out loud. They both remained quiet as America summarized what she found as she was interviewing Teddy.
"So what are going to do?" Grace quizzed, wiping her tears
"The police will have to be involved. I am sorry."
"And then Theo?"
"I'm gravely sorry. She cant stay with all of you."
"But why?!" she shrieked shocked.
"I don't deem you as being fit to be staying to with him. I say he should be staying at one of our homes for the time being."
"I don't want to go there!" Teddy yelled.
"But Theodore..."America tried to reason with her but he was having none of it.
"But please." Grace begged but still America said no.
"Why would I allow you. You are the most close to the suspect here."
"Can I stay with Ms. Steele please," Teddy quizzed but I shook my head.
"Theodore, I cant."
"Ms. Jacobs I want to stay with her!" he demanded and ran for my arms. I wrapped my arms on him as he snuggled closer.
Teddy continued to beg and finally agreed. I have to have limited contact with his family which is kind of unfair and no contact with the suspect, which is easy enough as I don't know that person.
Grace surprised me by hugging me, earning a scoff from Christian.
"I know it is heartbreaking to leave with your grandson." I said softly. She hugged me tighter as she wept in my arms. I rub soothing circles on her back, dwarfing her sobs and tears.
"Please take of him. If he trusts you then I will respect his decision."
After she has composed herself, she breaks from her embrace and Christian says, "Can I come and see him."
I gazed into his eyes and saw a hint of misery. He may not be badly affected by this now, but later he will be on his hands and knees pleading for mercy.
"Can I see him someday."
"Christian, I will never separate a child from his father unless his evil. I told you, you are not evil. You can come and see him when you are ready to clean up your act."
"I will." he vowed.
"Please try." I begged as I placed my hand on his cheek. He leaned into my touch, and I could hear his wall breaking. "And Christian. I am here if you want to talk, I will be there for you."
After showering Teddy with kisses and words of encouragement and love, they both left leaving Teddy and I as America left ages ago.
And now? I have to get Teddy settled into my apartment, and with Kate gone to vacation since days ago with her family and with her knew candy, I wont be so lonely anymore.....

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