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Going to school is something I don't hate or love. I mean it gets me out of the house.

It's the getting up and getting dressed part that is hard but after that it's easier.

"Mel!" I whisper-yelled 

We're in the library and I'm super bored. So I figured I'd mess with her. We're supposed to be studying but I have no clue how to do that. So I just highlight things I think is important and I'm done.

"What?!" She groaned

"Are you done yet?" She shook her head
"What the matter?"
"I can't remember it." She placed her head on the desk
I grabbed her notebook. She has really neat handwriting

"I'll help you but you can't laugh at me. Okay?" She nodded sitting up

"Okay the Civil War is about 2 sides of the United States the union and the confederate. The union is the North and the confederates is the South..." I went on explaining what I could in my weird accent

My method is to let it echo in your brain so I say it in a weird accent or ghetto to where you'll remember.

She seemed to get it more after that so we left to her house.

When we got there Melissa left to get something to eat leaving Mason and I alone. Oh no.

Ha kidding.

"Mason can I talk to you?" He took a seat next to me on the couch.
"What's up?"
"I just wanted to let this be known, I have never been in a relationship." I said I wasn't ashamed that I had no experience.

"Good." Good?
"What do you mean good?"
"No one has touched my girl." I just got chills. Oh my gosh!

"Mhmm okay alright so that's it conversation over." I scrambled facing away from him

"What's the matter ? You don't like when I say my girl?" He grabbed my face making me look at him.

"No I um I just- what were we talking about?" I stumbled nervously

He leaned forward my heart was about to beat out of my chest. He kissed my cheek

"You're Mine." He whispered in my ear

I shivered and let out a noise

He lent back with the look of satisfaction

"I'm done with you! I'm doing homework." I laughed making my way to my room to grab my bag and change into something comfortable.

I decided to stay in the room because this is where I usually do my work

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I decided to stay in the room because this is where I usually do my work. Before starting I grabbed some snack, my glasses, and threw some music on my speaker.

Halfway done with homework and knee deep in wrappers Mason walks in. He smiles at me before taking a seat in my fuzzy chair.

I was hoping he wouldn't come in here

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I was hoping he wouldn't come in here. He's such a distraction. In a good way but at the same time scary. I'm scared of the unknown. I wanna tell him but I can't.

I continued to focus on my work. I could feel his gaze on me sizing me up.

This outfit is revealing in some ways I should probably cover up seeing as I'm laying on my tummy soooo.

I moved to get up, " Where are you going?"

"To change." He shook his head

"No it's fine." I nodded laying back down.

"What's your homework on?" He asked


"Why do you say it like that?"

"I just hate to hear about it. I feel like I'm not doing enough to make such strong people proud! Like I'm here in this nice house but back then I probably would have been picking cotton or working as a maid or being spat on for the color of my skin! They were so so strong I just wish they could've seen what they fought so hard for. Even though it's not exactly what we wanted it's something." I looked up from my book to see Mason shocked.

"I would say I'm sorry but I'm passionate about my ancestors. So sorry not sorry." I laughed and continued my work

Mason went home a little bit later so after he left I got ready for bed. I heard voices come from outside I looked out the window to see what looked like Mason talking to some guy. They didn't seem to like each other.

The guy turns walks away to what I would presume was his car. Mason stands there for a second with his back turnt to me. Suddenly he looked at me before getting in the car with the stranger.

What was that about?

Oh well I'm tired I'm going to sleep.

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